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Press Releases from HelpCharity (2 total)

HelpCharity supporting Handicapped Children's Association

The first organisation to be supported by HelpChartiy is the US-based Handicapped Children's Association "HCA". About their choice for HCA Christian Lamitschka and Birgit King state: "HCA already engages itself for 60 years in supporting the needs of handicapped children in the US. Friends and business partners in the US have confirmed that HCA is a trustworthy organisation. Therefore it was clear to us that we would support HCA through

HelpCharity ranks under the Top 10 on MySpace

HelpCharity, succeeded in getting into the Top 10 of the most recognised profiles on MySpace. With the profile on MySpace everything started for HelpCharity. However, to get to this point it took a lot of hard work. To find the name was only the beginning. Many choices were tried until the final result was found. Then work really started. The project and idea behind HelpCharity were made public on

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