Press Releases from Aipermon GmbH & Co KG (2 total)
Aipermon presents gold edition of the first activity sensor for everyday activit …
DUBAI, January 2008 – Overweight and obesity are a global health problem. The company Aipermon, a producer of telemedicine systems from Munich, Germany, will present a newly developed telemetric device at the Arab Health Congress. This device can have a significant positive impact on weight loss. The instrument, called “AiperMotion”, makes it possible to measure all of the user’s everyday activities. It is only 78 x…
Worldwide Novelty for Medica fair: Remote monitoring triples weight-loss success
At the annual conference of the German Society for Obesity (October 18-20, 2007), Professor Luley from the Magdeburg University Clinic presented the results of his study of obese families. These results showed that adults who were remotely monitored lost almost three times as much weight after three months as a control group of adults without monitoring (a loss of 15.87 lbs and 5.95 lbs, respectively). Children in the…
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