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Press Releases from Oral Roberts University - Computing & Mathematics (6 total)

ORU Stanley White Scholar in Athens!

Tulsa, OK - Rita Njoroge, a 2022-23 Stanley White Scholar in Oral Roberts University's (ORU) Computing and Mathematics Department, recently traveled to Greece as part of one of ORU's summer mission trips. While she was there she also had the opportunity to meet with some of ORU Computing & Mathematics Department's industry research collaborators - Andreas Persidis, co-founder and CEO of Biovista, and Dr. Vassilis Virvilis, their Head of Information

ORU Computer Scientist Awarded $400,000 NSF Grant

Tulsa, OK - The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Oral Roberts University (ORU) Professor of Computer Science Dr. Stephen Wheat a $399,382 Advanced Cyber-Infrastructure Grant. The grant will allow for the deployment of a GPU-based server partition called Eli, and integrate it with Titan, ORU's 7,000+ core supercomputer. Eli will address the GPU and storage needs of computing for research, research training, and education. Dr. Wheat, who is the director

ORU MASST Program Hosts STEM Conference on the “Space Coast” of Florida

Tulsa, OK – Oral Roberts University’s Departments of Computing & Mathematics and Biology & Chemistry recently hosted a Space Coast STEM conference in Cocoa Beach, FL Oral Roberts University’s (ORU) Math and Science Scholarships for Teaching (MASST) Program recently hosted a conference on the “space coast” of Florida. Among the participants were 19 MASST Scholars. Sixteen of the MASST Scholars are ORU Alumni who currently are teaching math or

ORU STEM Students Receive National Science Foundation Award

Tulsa, OK – Three Oral Roberts University College of Science and Engineering students have been awarded NSF-funded grants to participate in two different undergraduate supercomputing-enabled research projects through the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Expert Mentoring Producing Opportunities for Work, Education, and Research (EMPOWER) program. John Biederman and Charity Farell, both Computer Science majors, were selected to work on a project entitled “RNA Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Strains.” John

ORU Offers New Master’s Degrees in Computer Science and Data Science

Tulsa, OK – Oral Roberts University’s Department of Computing & Mathematics has introduced new master’s degrees in MSCS – Computer Science and MSCS – Data Science. Available to students on campus, the Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) has two concentrations to choose from – Computer Science and Data Science. According to, there are more than 389,000 computing jobs open nationwide, and less than 72,000 computer sciences students graduated

ORU Scientist Helps Develop Novel Nanoparticle Technology

Tulsa, OK – Oral Roberts University Scientist, Dr. Enrique Valderrama-Araya, who in collaboration with material scientists from Brazil, China, the UK, and the USA, has developed a novel hydrogen evolution reaction for exploring the extent of platinum nanoparticles dissolution upon the surface of carbon nanostructured electrodes. The team’s research, recently published in Nanoscale, a high impact international journal, demonstrated how platinum nanoparticles can potentially be used to cheaply mass manufacture catalyst

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