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Press Releases from Revitae Technologies (4 total)

Europe, Now you must go back to Nuclear Power Unless...

Russia has just invaded Ukraine. This is just the start. Putin will gobble up the rest of the separatist regions by intimidating or pushing Ukraine forces out. Next, he will try to gobble up all of Ukraine. Can you afford to rely on natural gas from Putin? Not, if you want to be free/independent. Germany and France have shown themselves to be unreliable. So, if you cannot rely on Russia to provide

Replacement for Nuclear Energy - No more Rods, Spent or Otherwise

A new High Heat source alloy has been developed which can be used to replace nuclear reactor rods in ALL nuclear power plants. This alloy is composed of Sodium (Na), Vanadium (V), and several other elements at trace amounts. I call it a Sodium-Vanadium (NaV) alloy. When this alloy is exposed to air, it heats the air to 110°Celsius or 230° Fahrenheit INSTANTLY. This is something brand new, it is a

Trinary Computing - new, software for 3D Registers

We all know what Binary Computing is; 1s and 0s or Xs and Ys. Everyone uses software that is programmed using Binary Two-Dimensional Registers. All of our software is based on the Algebraic X and Y coordinates. All of our databases are flat X and Y grids stacked on top of each other (Relational DBs); this gives us an ability to store data horizontally and vertically. But to get to

A Different Way to Get to 5G

Everyone in our world believes that the only way to get increased bandwidth is to move to higher and higher frequencies. That has been the model for well over 100 years. What if.... There was a way to use our existing 4G Infrastructure. Yes, the existing cell towers and 4G phones that are spread around our planet. This New Way? First some basic technology. Whenever we send a radio signal of any frequency, it

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