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Press Releases from Compare My Scrap Car (2 total)

How to sell your salvage car with experts

If you want to sell your salvage car and get the best price when doing so, it's worth spending time visiting the website to see how much it is worth. That's because there's an easy-to-use form - you simply fill in your registration number, the postcode of where the car is, your email address and telephone number - and then press the button marked 'Get my quote now'. This request is

Why everyone should compare scrap car prices

When it comes to scrapping a vehicle, car owners are often faced with the issue of finding a reputable car scrapping firm and hoping to get the best scrap car price. However, there is an easy way to achieve the best price for a scrap car by using the dedicated website Compare My Scrap Car which will quickly use the car owner's information to invite more than 120 vehicle scrap yards

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