Press Releases from Keystone Package Testing (2 total)
The New Testing Lab Expands Testing Capacity and Scope and Provides Faster Scheduling
[NEW CASTLE, PA, December 3, 2020]. Keystone Package Testing, a leader in package testing, today announced the opening of a new headquarters. The new 6,600 square foot building in New Castle, PA significantly expands the capacity of the rapidly-growing package testing company.
The Company’s commitment to package testing is evident through significant investments in equipment and infrastructure. The new…
Keystone Compliance Joins Amazon's APASS Network
Keystone Package Testing has joined the Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network (APASS). Keystone’s experienced technicians are looking forward to working with Amazon vendors and suppliers to help reduce costs and fees associated with E-commerce.
Amazon developed the APASS program to reduce packaging waste and increase customer satisfaction. However, companies also have the opportunity to avoid chargebacks and prep fees with certification. The three-tier certification program includes: Tier 1- Frustration…
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