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Press Releases from INSOFTDEV (2 total)

INSOFTDEV at PHTM Expo 2018 -MK Arena

Freshly returned from PHTM Expo 2018 INSOFTDEV ( team has some great impressions to share from this event hosted at MK Arena on the 9 th and 10 th of May. In terms of facts and figures at PHTM Expo have been present more than 60 exhibitors : from Data dispatch providers to aggregate platforms, insurance brokers and car dealers. And what was really impressive was actually the number of

UK Taxi Dispatch System Market 2019

This article focuses on the top players in global market, like Uber, Cordic, INSOFTDEV, Autocab INSOFTDEV branded platform SmartCar — Taxi Dispatch System is a worldwide complete solution for taxi businesses.  It been designed to enhance business revenue and control, increasing automation and reduce running costs of the tasks with your own taxi dispatch software. The presentation website of the branded platform is Our system enables customers to streamline their processes and manage the

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