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Press Releases from Out Now Consulting (7 total)

Coming Out As Gay At Work - Gays and Lesbians Say A 'Pink Ceiling' Limits Career …

New research reveals that most gays and lesbians worry being openly gay harms promotion prospects - Harassment problems reported by many in UK workplaces The most comprehensive market research study ever undertaken of the UK gay and lesbian community reveals most gays and lesbians think coming out as gay can harm their careers. These first findings from the 'Out Now 2008 Millivres Gay Market Study' -- released today -- reveal new information about

Coming Out As Gay In The Workplace - Equality vs. Reality

In late 2007 Millivres Prowler Group (Publisher of Gay Times, Pink Paper and DIVA) in partnership with Out Now Consulting commenced the UK’s most comprehensive independent survey of lesbian and gay lifestyles, experiences. and social attitudes, for which the research is concluded this month. This survey included the first UK insight into Equality and Diversity in the work place for gay men and lesbians. This new research asks gay and

Travel Industry Gears Up For Better Gay Customer Service

New Online Training Program Teaches Travel Industry How to Better Serve Gay Customers One of the most keenly sought-after travel segments is the gay and lesbian travel market. Worth billions annually, in 2008 more hotels, tour operators, travel agents and destinations than ever now actively target gay travelers. But gay travelers say they often leave less than impressed -- as a result of experiencing poor customer service while on vacation. Research

Ireland's Lesbian and Gay Community Revealed - New LGBT Market Research

Groundbreaking new GLBT market research data on the Irish gay and lesbian community is now released. The most comprehensive lesbian and gay market research ever into the GLBT community in Ireland reveals much about the Irish gay and lesbian community. Dublin, Ireland -- (OUT NOW) June 15, 2007 -- New lesbian and gay market research just released reveals that Ireland\'s 200,000 gays and lesbians are living lives that are diverse and

Out Now Consulting Wins Gay Advertising Award in New York

The third annual Commercial Closet Association 2007 \'Images In Advertising\' Awards are announced in New York. Lufthansa \'OutShots\' gay advertising campaign created by global gay marketing agency Out Now Consulting wins award for \"Outstanding Interactive\". New York, US -- (OUT NOW) -- June 14, 2007 -- The third annual Commercial Closet Association \'Images In Advertising\' awards recognizing excellence in GLBT advertising have been announced. The Commercial Closet awards, announced this week at

Irish GLBT Market Research Reveals: How Green is the Irish Euro?

The results of the first ever market research measurement of the lifestyles and spending power of Ireland's 200,000 lesbians and gay men are about to be released. The Out Now 2007 GCN Ireland Gay Community Market Report will shed new light on gay community issues and reveal the facts - and the myths - that lie behind Ireland's Pink Euro gay market economy. Dublin, IRELAND (OUTNOW) June 11, 2007 -- A

Gay Advertising and Gay Marketing - Time For a Rethink

New York, USA -- (OUT NOW) May 11, 2007 -- Advertising agencies are struggling to keep up with demands of client brands wanting to target the lesbian and gay consumer market. According to industry experts this is because most mainstream advertising and marketing agencies fail to understand their target audience effectively before trying to develop a gay marketing strategy. In an article entitled 'Same-sex ads swim into mainstream - Industry embraces

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