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Press Releases from (2 total)

Therapeutic Socks Market Pegged for Robust Expansion During 2017 - 2025

Compression therapy is a safe and cost-effective method of treating wounds, vein thrombosis, phlebitis and providing post-surgery care. It relies on a simple yet efficient principle – applying an elastic garment around a limb. A relatively new form of treatment, it is anticipated to post rapid growth during the next decade. Compression therapy includes garments like leggings, shirts, socks and stockings. The therapeutic socks market, otherwise known as the compression

Body Armor Market Set to Grow Exponentially During the Forecast to 2015 to 2021

Body armor is a type of cloth used for protection with its main purpose is to absorb or deflect slashing bludgeon and penetrate attacks. Previously, only soldiers were only given license to use it but nowadays, it is also used by police, security guards and individuals in order to feel secure and protect themselves from attacks. There are two types of body armor namely soft body armor and hard body

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