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Press Releases from Rockland County YMCA (2 total)

Rockland County YMCA to offer New Aquatics Programs

Rockland County YMCA to Offer New Aquatics Programs Everybody in the Pool! Nyack, NY, September 2017 The Rockland County YMCA encourages children and adults in Rockland County to explore the many benefits of swimming. In Y swim programs, participants can enjoy water sports, enhance or learn new techniques, meet new friends and develop confidence, while also learning safety skills that can save lives. “Swimming is a fun and enjoyable activity and it’s

Rockland County YMCA receives grant

Rockland County YMCA Receives Grant to Offer Contact: Maire Brosnan Katavolos Rockland County YMCA 845-358-6608 MBrosnan@rockland Enhance®Fitness, a Program that Treats Arthritis through Fun, Laughter and Friendship Program proven to reduce arthritis symptoms and increase physical function in a social atmosphere Nyack, NY, June 2017 –The Rockland County YMCA is the proud recipient of a grant from the NYS Alliance of YMCA's to expand their EnhanceFitness Program. The program is an evidence-based physical

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