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Press Releases from Kuick Resarch (921 total)

Download China Nuclear Power Sector Opportunity Analysis Report

China’s impeccable progress in last three decades has mesmerized the rest of the world by the way it promoted itself from a largely agrarian based economy to the leading industrial economy in just three decades. This economic growth came by the result of well-thought planning and its perfect implementation. Now in order to promote clean energy and to ensure energy security, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is putting major

Download Global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Outlook 2020 Report

Investigators discovered stem cells during their quest to find innovative cell therapy methods which could offer edge over prevailing modalities. These cells have ability to divide several times without losing their capability to renew again and again. This is very important because earlier, investigators believed that one type of cell is capable to giving rise to another kind of cell which means they can’t change. But their discovery changed the

Download UAE Nuclear Power Sector Opportunity Analysis Report

As UAE is embarking upon clean energy sources for power generation – a major shift from its predominantly natural gas based power sector, nuclear power is slated to form one of the building blocks of the new energy policy. The new energy policy of focusing on nuclear and renewable energy sources is intended to address the issues of threatened energy security and rising environmental concerns due to 100% dependence on

Download Global Malignant Melanoma Drug Market & Clinical Pipeline Insight Repor …

Investigators are trying to develop innovative therapeutics for the treatment of malignant melanoma with high safety and efficacy. Surgery has remained the corner stone of cancer treatment including malignant melanoma. Cancerous region and adjoining tissue is removed to prevent it growth. Radiation therapy is also found to be effective in melanoma treatment but it causes long-tern deleterious effects on body. Chemotherapeutics can prevent malignant cancer but it side effects decrease

Download US Transdermal Patch Market Outlook 2020 Report

The last two decades have witnessed multiple innovations and commercialization of new medical agents and drug delivery mechanism. These innovations in drug delivery systems have not only enabled the successful implementation of many of these novel pharmaceuticals products such as transdermal patches, but have also permitted the development of new medical treatments with existing drugs. The need of more innovation in field of transdermal drug delivery system is still huge

Download Global Cancer Immunotoxins Market & Clinical Pipeline Insight 2020 Repo …

Immunotoxins are new generation chemotherapeutic agents innovated to include the specificity of monoclonal antibody and cytotoxicity of toxins extracted from plant or bacterial source. The targeting moiety carries the specificity of the antibody and is directed to the target where it either binds to the cell surface antigen, receptor or the ligand of the targeted disease. Cytotoxicity is mediated by the protein toxins, which maybe protein at times. The cytotoxic part

Download Global Cancer Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Market & Clinical Pipeline Out …

The global increase in the prevalence of cancer and the increasing recognition of the therapeutic and commercial opportunities offered by new oncology treatments has provided a major incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to pursue the development of new agents for the treatment of cancer. To tackle the ever rising global cancer burden, the cancer treatment is inclining towards the targeted drug therapy due to the numerous drawbacks associated with conventional

Download Global Peptide Vaccine Market & Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2020 Report

The outline of human vaccines had an incredible impact on global health system which resulted in intense reduction of mortality and morbidity caused by numerous diseases. Vaccines have led to some of the greatest public health achievements ever, including the eradication of naturally occurring smallpox from the globe and the near eradication of polio. This prophylaxis had a long journey through various roads and tunnels to become the humanities’

Download Global Cancer Angiogenesis Inhibitors Market & Clinical Pipeline Insigh …

Cancer is ever fastest growing global epidemic and one of the leading causes of death in the developed countries. It was observed that year 2015 alone witnessed more than 10 million new cancer cases. The number of new cancer cases is predicted to rise to 22 million within the next two decades. More than 60 percent of the world’s new cancer cases occur in Africa, Asia, and Central and South

Download India Power Transmission & Distribution Sector Opportunity Outlook 2025 …

Power transmission is an integral part of the power sector and is as vital as power generation; there is no value for generating power until the power reaches to the destination for final consumer. The huge amount of power generated in power station is to be transported over a long distance to the load centers to cater to the consumers with the help of transmission lines and transmission towers. Though

Download US Breast Cancer Drug Market Outlook 2022 Report

Around the corners of world, cancer has infused itself in every country, region and each habitable land present over earth. Cancer has become one of those nightmares which haunt every individual once in a life time this is because of the increasing incidence rates and no proper care available until now. Given the steady increase in global cancer incidence with its associated morbidity and mortality, together with the spiraling healthcare

Download Asia Battery Energy Storage Market Opportunity Analysis Report

Across the world, efforts are underway to improve the way to store and distribute energy, as electricity generation mix is shifting towards more sustainable but intermittent forms of energy generation, such as wind and solar power. The rapid growth in variable renewable energy is catalyzing efforts to modernize the electricity system. At high levels of penetration, variable renewable energy increases the need for resources that contribute to system flexibility. This

Download Australia Solar Power Sector Future Outlook 2020 Report

Australia’s solar energy resources are among the best in the world, with high levels of solar radiation and considerable land-mass suitable for large-scale solar developments. With more than 35% of country’s land-mass having arid or semi-arid climate including around 20% deserts, solar radiation per square meter in Australia is higher than any other continent. That is why Australia is eyeing to tap these huge and inexhaustible resources to generate substantial

Download India Green Building Market Opportunity Outlook 2020 Report

India has a great tradition of building environment friendly homes throughout its history. Various renewable and natural items like bamboo, agricultural residues, clay etc. have traditionally been used in vast areas of India, particularly in rural areas. But the concept of modern green building having minimum impact on environment began to grow in late 1990’s. Then the rating system for green buildings started in early 2000’s with the formation Green

Download India Cervical Cancer Screening Market Outlook 2022 Report

Cervical cancer is an important area of action for any cancer control programme because of the burden of disease, and the potential for effective prevention through screening. Cervical cancer hardly presents any symptoms in its early stages and it highlights the importance of regular screening for the disease. Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help to find the cancer at an early stage.

Download Global Cell Therapy Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022 Report

“Global Cell Therapy Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022” report published by Kuick Research gives comprehensive insight on the ongoing clinical and nonclinical trends in the global cell therapy market. Report analyzes the need and the application of cell therapy in multiple therapeutic areas along with the mechanism and delivery methods for cell therapy based treatment. The parameters impacting the growth of the market and the corresponding challenges limiting

Download Global HIV Vaccine Market and Clinical Trial Outlook 2022 Report

“Global HIV Vaccine Market and Clinical Trial Outlook 2022” recent report published by Kuick Research analyzes various multiple clinical and non-clinical aspects related to development of HIV vaccine worldwide. Currently there is no particular vaccine available for the treatment of HIV across the globe. There are multiple vaccines in clinical trials for the treatment and the prevention of HIV. This report gives comprehensive clinical insight on the 65 HIV Vaccines

Download Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2 …

“Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022” report by KuicK Research analyzes ongoing clinical and non-clinical trends in the global Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors market. The anti TNF drugs are among the top 10 global block buster drugs and have dominated the global pharmaceutical market landscape for many years. The anti TNF Drugs (Humira, Remicade and Enbrel) for Rheumatic Disease have combined sales of more than US$

Download Global Cancer Nanomedicine Market Outlook 2022 Report

Over the past several years, many innovative and revolutionary techniques have been developed in order to treat cancer. These techniques range from basic surgical removal to X-ray irradiation to system wide flooding with anticancer agents. However, each of these approaches has its own series of undesirable side effects that are both dangerous and damaging to the overall health of the patient. On the contrary, recent breakthroughs in nanomedicine have managed

Download Global Breast Cancer Vaccine Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022 …

“Global Breast Cancer Vaccine Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022” report analyzes ongoing clinical and non-clinical trends in the global breast cancer vaccine development market. Currently there is no single breast cancer vaccine commercially available in the market. This report analyzes the ongoing clinical trial of 36 breast cancer vaccines in clinical pipeline and gives comprehensive clinical insight on various parameters associated with the development of the vaccine. Most of

Download Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market and Pipeline Outlook 2022 Report

“Global Oncolytic Virus Therapy Market and Pipeline Outlook 2022” report analyzes ongoing clinical and non-clinical trends in the oncolytic virus therapy market. Currently there are 2 oncolytic virus therapies commercially available in the market. This report analyzes the ongoing clinical trial of 48 oncolytic virus therapies in clinical pipeline and gives comprehensive clinical insight on various parameters associated with the development of the oncolytic virus therapies. Most of the oncolytic

Download Global Lung Cancer Vaccine Market and Pipeline Outlook 2022 Report

“Global Lung Cancer Vaccine Market and Pipeline Outlook 2022” report analyzes ongoing clinical and non-clinical trends in the global lung cancer vaccine market. Currently there are 3 lung cancer vaccines commercially available in the market. This report analyzes the ongoing clinical trial of 30 lung cancer vaccines in clinical pipeline and gives comprehensive clinical insight on various parameters associated with the development of the lung cancer vaccines. Currently there are

Download Personalized Cancer Vaccines Market and Clinical Innovation Outlook 202 …

Oncological segment has gained a great momentum with the advent of modern technologies and the better equipped sequencing methodology. Over the past years, there has been gradual paradigm shift from traditional medicine and accelerated acceptance towards the precision medication. Physicians are opting for the personalization of the medicines according to the genomic makeup of the patient. During the last decade, great efforts have been made to develop immunotherapeutic approaches for

Download Global Biosimilar Insulin Market Opportunity and Clinical Insight Outlo …

“Global Biosimilar Insulin Market Opportunity and Clinical Insight Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on clinical and non-clinical issues involved with growth of global biosimilar insulin market. This report analyzes various aspects like rationale design of insulin molecule, mechanism of insulin in diabetes, engineering of synthetic insulin, global aspects of biosimilar insulins along with market overview, biosimilar insulin clinical pipeline insight and future trends for the development of

Download US Cancer Generics Market Outlook 2022 Report

“US Cancer Generics Market Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on the various indicators and trend analysis related to the emergence and integration of cancer generics drugs in mainstream pharmaceutical market in US. The report analyzes various clinical and non-clinical parameters responsible for the growth on cancer generics drugs in recent years. The introduction of generics has resulted in saving of billions of dollars for various stake holders involved US

Download Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Market Outlook 2022 Report

“Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Market Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive clinical and non-clinical insight on various trends associated with the rheumatoid arthritis drug market across the developed and developing market. Report helps to identify the basic classification and molecular mechanism of action of rheumatoid arthritis drugs available in the market. The top 5 leading DMARDs (Humira, Enbrel, Remicade, Simponi and Otezla) have dominated the overall anti-rheumatics market with

Download US Antidiabetics Drug Market Outlook 2022 Report

“US Antidiabetics Drug Market Outlook 2022” report gives clinical and non-clinical insight on trends associated with the development of Antidiabetics drug market in US. Report helps to identify the diabetes epidemiology (Prevalence of Type 1 and 2 Diabetes) in the US market along with the associated economic burden and productivity loss. Diabetes rates in the US have been increasing substantially. While the number of people with diabetes in the US

Download Sri Lanka Mutual Fund Market Opportunity Outlook 2022 Raport

“Sri Lanka Mutual Fund Sector Opportunity Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on the mutual fund (unit trust) sector in Sri Lanka. Report highlights the ongoing trends in the development of mutual fund segment and its future growth opportunity. During last six years (2011-2016) the mutual fund sector returns grew by more than 11%. The highest growth was witnessed in 2015, when the sector returns grew by almost 17%.

Download Saudi Arabia Airport Privatization Opportunity Outlook 2022 Raport

“Saudi Arabia Airport Privatization Opportunity Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on the privatization opportunity existing in the Saudi Arabia aviation sector. Report highlights the ongoing initiatives undertaken by the Saudi Arabia government to promote and attract foreign investments in civil aviation sector. The domestic and international passenger travel in Saudi Arabia is increasing by 10% CAGR in last six years with total travel estimated to surpass 140 Million by

Download Middle East Railway Sector and Investment Opportunity Analysis Roport

“Middle East Railway Sector and Investment Opportunity Analysis” report gives comprehensive insight on the current scenario of rail transport in Middle East region at country level. Report also discusses the policy and regulatory framework adopted by each country along with the initiatives undertaken by the various stakeholders to promo the growth of rail network in the region. Currently Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are the dominant players in

Download China High Speed Rail Sector and Investment Opportunity Analysis Raport

“China High Speed Rail Sector and Investment Opportunity Analysis” report gives comprehensive insight on the current and future development scenario related to high speed rail network in China. Report discusses and analyzes the ongoing transformation in the overall rail passenger rail travel in China due to emergence and exponential growth in the high speed rail network over the last decade. Currently China has emerged as the predominant player in the

Download Global Immune Check Point Inhibitors Market and Clinical Pipeline Insig …

“Global Immune Check Point Inhibitors Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on clinical and non-clinical aspects involved in the development and integration of immune check point inhibitors as main streamline drugs in the immunotherapy treatment. Report helps to identify the basic classification and molecular mechanism of action of immune check point inhibitors drugs available in the market and in the clinical pipeline. Currently there are

Download Global Transdermal Patch Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022 Ropo …

“Global Transdermal Patch Market and Clinical Pipeline Outlook 2022” report discusses the ongoing clinical and non-clinical parameters with respect to development of global transdermal patch market. Report highlights the need for integration of transdermal patches in existing drug delivery methodology available to pharmaceutical companies. Currently there 40 transdermal patches available in the market and more than 70 patches are in clinical pipeline. Transdermal patches have made their place

Dowmload Global Breast Cancer Predictive Genetic Testing Market Outlook 2022 Rep …

“Global Breast Cancer Predictive Genetic Testing Market Outlook 2022” report analyzes the various aspects related to the emergence and development of breast cancer genetic test market across the globe. The current and future aspects of cancer genomics have covered a long path of advances and the journey is still ongoing. The technological improvements in genomic sciences had allowed parallel sequencing of both tumors and germline mutations and had provided the

Download Saudi Arabia Mutual Fund Market Opportunity Outlook 2022 Report

“Saudi Arabia Mutual Fund Market Opportunity Outlook 2022” report highlights the current transformation in the mutual fund market in Saudi Arabia. Currently the total assets under management by fund managers in Saudi Arabia are valued at more than US$ 23 Billion. Majority of the funds have allocated in domestic assets valued at US$ 19 Billion and foreign assets accounts for close to US$ 4 Billion. This report gives comprehensive insight

Download Global Cancer Immunotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2022 Rep …

“Global Cancer Immunotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on clinical and non-clinical developments in the field of cancer immunotherapy. According to report, cancer immunotherapy has emerged as the new growth frontier for the pharmaceutical companies involved in the clinical research and development of cancer drugs and therapeutics. Currently there are more than 2000 cancer immunotherapies based drugs/therapies are in clinical pipeline. Majority of these are

Download Global CAR T Cell Therapy Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2022 Repor …

“Global CAR T Cell Therapy Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2022” report highlights the ongoing clinical and non-clinical advancement in the field of Car T Cell Therapy. As per report findings, the promise of CAR modified T cell therapy derives from its combined immunologic benefits and include the specificity of a targeted antibody, the ability to expand the T cell population and the potential for long term persistence to

Download Global B Cell Lymphoma Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2022 Report

For Report Sample Contact: Report Weblink: 1. Introduction to B Cell Lymphoma 1.1 Outline 1.1.1 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1.1.2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 1.2 Classification of the B Cell lymphoma 1.2.1 Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma 1.2.2 Follicular Lymphoma 1.2.3 Mantle Cell Lymphoma 1.2.4 Burkitt Lymphoma 1.3 Stages of B Cell Lymphoma 2.

Download Global Nano Chemotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2022 Report

“Global Nano Chemotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2022” report highlights the current development in the in the field of nano chemotherapy. Report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical parameters associated with the expansion of global nano chemotherapeutics market. The clinical and pricing insight on chemotherapeutics nanoformulations of approved drugs helps to understand the current market scenario of the nano chemotherapeutics. Nano chemotherapy is emerging as an important

Download Global Cancer Antibody Drug Conjugates Market and Pipeline Insight 2022 …

“Global Cancer Antibody Drug Conjugate Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical parameters involved in the development of global cancer antibody drug conjugate market. In recent years antibody drug conjugates have emerged as new growth frontier for the companies involved in the research and development of drugs for the treatment of cancer. As per report findings, currently there are 243 antibody

Download India Nuclear Power Sector Generation and Investment Opportunity Outloo …

Nuclear power sector in India has already travelled quite a long way to reach the present stage with 6780 MW installed capacity and 22 reactors from starting with two boiling water reactors worth 320 MW in 1969. Today, nuclear power provides nearly 3% of total electricity in India and this percentage will go up soon due to massive capacity addition in the coming years. Though India’s nuclear power sector is

Download Global Controlled Drug Delivery Market and Clinical Trial Outlook 2022 …

“Global Controlled Drug Delivery Market and Clinical Trial Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive clinical and non-clinical insight on the emergence and integration of controlled release technology in the drug delivery. Report highlights the ongoing development of more than 300 controlled release drugs in clinical trials and helps to analyze the existing clinical mechanism of 133 commercially available controlled release drugs in the market. The fundamentals and application of

Download Global Microcapsules Drug Delivery Market Opportunity Outlook 2022 Repo …

“Global Microcapsules Drug Delivery Market Opportunity Outlook 2022” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical aspects in the advancement and integration of microcapsule technologies in the ongoing drug delivery mechanism. As per report findings, microencapsulation has proven to be a valuable tool for the pharmaceutical industry from the past several years. Under the scientific revolutionizing arena, development of the microencapsulation turned out to be the favorable

Download Global Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccine Market and Clinical Trials Outlook …

“Global Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccine Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2023” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical advancements in the global dendritic cell cancer vaccine market. In recent years, dendritic cell cancer vaccines have emerged as new growth frontier for the companies involved in the research and development of drugs for the treatment of cancer. As per report findings, currently there are 53 dendritic cell cancer

Download Global Hepatitis Drug Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2023 Report

“Global Hepatitis Drug Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2023” report gives comprehensive insight on various clinical and non-clinical advancements in the global Hepatitis drug market. Currently, there are 321 Hepatitis drugs in clinical pipeline and 110 Hepatitis drugs are commercially available in the market. Hepatitis drug clinical trials landscape is dominated by Hepatitis C drug with 145 drugs in various phases of development and 25 drugs commercially available in

Download Global Peptide Antibiotics Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2023 Re …

“Global Peptide Antibiotics Market and Clinical Pipeline Insight 2023” report gives comprehensive insight on clinical and non-clinical parameters involved in the development and commercialization of global peptide antibiotics market. As per report findings, peptide antibiotics are expected to emerge as new growth frontier for the various stake holders involved in the research and development of antibiotics. Currently, there are 6 peptide antibiotics commercially available in the market and 24 peptide

Download Global Carbon Nanotubes Market and Patent Insight 2023 Reoprt

“Global Carbon Nanotubes Market and Patent Insight 2023” Report Highlights: Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes Global Carbon Nanotube Product Outlook Global Carbon Nanotube Patent Insight by Sector/Application: 300 Patents Global Carbon Nanotube Project Insight by Sector/Applications: 50 Projects Global Carbon Nanotubes Market by Applications and Region Global Carbon Nanotube Market Dynamics Global Carbon Nanotubes Market Future Outlook Carbon nanotube (CNT) is undoubtedly among the most sought after and most dynamic item among the numerous categories in the

Download Global Carbon Nanotubes Market and Patent Insight 2023

“Global Carbon Nanotubes Market and Patent Insight 2023” Report Highlights: * Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes * Global Carbon Nanotube Product Outlook * Global Carbon Nanotube Patent Insight by Sector/Application: 300 Patents * Global Carbon Nanotube Project Insight by Sector/Applications: 50 Projects * Global Carbon Nanotubes Market by Applications and Region * Global Carbon Nanotube Market Dynamics * Global Carbon Nanotubes Market Future Outlook Carbon nanotube (CNT) is undoubtedly among the most sought after and most dynamic

Download Global Cancer Photodynamic Therapy Market and Cancer Photosensitisers C …

Efficacy and safety of a therapeutic method has always been the prime concern during treatment of an ailment. Any therapeutic method that fulfills the above criteria has been deemed to be a successful procedure. Nonetheless, patients and health professionals not only seek the efficacy and safety of a treatment method, but also look into it being a non- invasive procedure involving minimal to no pain. It is evident that such

Download Global Virus Like Particles Market and Clinical Trial Insight 2023

Vaccination is considered the most cost effective way to control the pathogens and prevent the diseases both in humans and veterinary field. The vaccines based on virus like particles represent one of the most appealing and cost effective approaches due to the intrinsic immunogenic properties as well as high safety profile. The virus like particles also offers several other advantages against the emerging viruses and these are virus like particles

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