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Press Releases from InterSponse Networks (3 total)

A former Police Officer, now an Ex-Felon, Mike finds hope for a better tomorrow …

Ever wanted a to visit a site that you could relate to as soon as you saw it? A new website has been launched and may prove to be a place of frequent visits. With a unique outlook on life, the site is sure to please even the most demanding critic. As I have begun my venture into the world of Internet businessman, I would like to publicly launch the

Start 2006 With A New Job, A New Career, Or A Raise

The beginning of 2006 is the perfect time to negotiate a raise, a re-evaluation of your career, or a totally new career. An often overlooked step in this process, is a professionally prepared resume. In some instances a well prepared resume could equal an increase of 15 to 25% in salary. FDI Consulting is a private firm with the experience necessary to boost your exposure and broaden your career

Start The New Year With The (Almost) Perfect Home Based Business

Based on various statistics, from 18 million to over 40 million home based businesses exist in this country. People are starting their own businesses at an amazing pace...and if current trend remains, the only direction these figures will UP. The dark side of these figures are the business failures, the get-you-rich-quick schemes, the (NOT) marketing gurus with the "can't lose systems", etc. However, the fact are undisputed that the

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