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Press Releases from Arizona Balloon Company (2 total)

Advertising Inflatables: another name for effective advertising

Advertising plays a vital role in determining the success rate of your company, a reason why all big banners of the business world spend approximately three-fourth of their expenditure on the publicity of the product. Now comes the issue, which advertising technique to use and why?? Well, there are many ways by which you can actually promote your product like making use of media, door-to-door sales promo, putting up posters and banners,

World's Largest Inflatable Christmas Display in Phoenix

The World's Largest Inflatable Christmas Display will be located in Phoenix, Arizona USA again this year. Giant Christmas advertising balloons, huge holiday helium balloons, 40 feet tall parade balloons and dancing Santa balloons will fill the display. The display will be daily until 10pm from December 22-24 located at the intersection of 43rd Ave. & Paradise Lane in Phoenix, Arizona. The display is subject to good weather conditions. This year we are

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