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Press Releases from The Luxe Link (3 total)

The Luxe Link Has Reduced Its Delivery Fees

New York City, NY: The Luxe Link® is proud to offer our lowest delivery fees, ever, reducing our rates by about 35% for every package size. Our new rates: • Standard FedEx Box – fits four dresses (17” x 12” x 3”) – US$35 (was US$55) • Small – fits one pair of shoes (12” x 9” x 6”) – US$45 (was US$65) • Medium – fits two pairs of shoes (13” x 9” x 11”) –

The Luxe Link Celebrates Its Launch

New York City, NY: The Luxe Link® (formerly known as ShopGopher) is proud to announce its launch. “We have operated for 10 years under our former name; today we are a new company, but we remain true to our roots: providing our clients the best access to America’s online and traditional retailers, and providing excellent and personalized customer service,” explains Francis Seow, Co-Founder and CEO. The Luxe Link is a

The Luxe Link is a Luxury, Personal Shopping Service based in New York City, Ser …

PRESS KIT BACKGROUND In October 2006, ShopGopher – a cross-border, luxury shopping service based in New York City – was born. “It actually began with friends and associates in Asia asking for my help with items they could not find in their own countries,” explains Francis Seow, Co-Founder and CEO of The Luxe Link®. Utilizing only a very small online advertising budget, Mr. Seow acquired his first official client within minutes of

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