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Press Releases from The Southbourne Tax Group (11 total)

Southbourne Tax Group Review How to Handle Tax-Time Stress as a Millennial

Filing your taxes as a millennial can be a bit of a burden to you since you have a lot of financial responsibilities topped with student loans as well as some investments and side hustling. Southbourne Tax Group aims to guide anyone especially millennials who needs help in their taxes with the following tax-guide. Not just Southbourne Group, but even experts find it important to contribute on your 401(K) plan while

Southbourne Tax Group Review: Tax-time stress and how to lessen it as a millenni …

Little or big, no matter what’s the size of it, tax-time stress had been a natural occurrence in filing your taxes. And as a millennial, you probably have a lot in mind such as financial responsibilities, student loans, investments, side hustling, etc. Southbourne Tax Group doesn’t want you to greatly suffer on this matter so the following are some simple tips to help you get through. In order to save

Southbourne Tax Group Review : How to reduce tax-time stress as a millennial

Financial responsibilities topped with student loans and other investments along with side hustling. Indeed, being a millennial, you have a lot in mind. And stress might haunt you when filing your own taxes. You’ve probably heard this lot of times before but even experts find it important to contribute on your 401(K) plan to save on taxes and to invest for your retirement. Southbourne Group had been committed to strive and

The Southbourne Tax Group Review: Struggling middle class give less to charity

Donations by wealthy Americans surge The divide between the rich and not-so-rich in America can be seen most glaringly in the amount of money they give (and have stopped giving) to charitable causes. The average American household is giving far less to charity than it did a decade ago, but this hides two vastly different patterns of charitable giving. Over the past 10 years, charitable giving deductions from lower-income donors have declined

The Southbourne Tax Group: Get richer this tax season in 10 easy ways millennial …

By now, you've probably heard people talking about tax season — or maybe you got the hint that you'll need to start filing your taxes soon, because of that complicated-looking W-2 form that arrived at your house. It's only natural to want to procrastinate on filling out those ugly forms (1040-what?) or to feel intimidated or overwhelmed. Not only do most millennials say they fear filing their taxes — more so than

The Southbourne Tax Group: Five things early tax filers need to know

Tax filing season begins Monday but some early filers face new hurdles, as crackdown on fraud continues. Opening Day for the IRS is Monday. That's when the Internal Revenue Service will start accepting electronically filed tax returns. We have until April 18 to file returns but many file earlier in the season, if they're expecting large refunds. The tax filing deadline this year is Tuesday, April 18, instead of the traditional April 15,

The Southbourne Tax Group: BBB offers tips on filing taxes, avoiding fraud

While all working citizens should have had their W-2 form delivered by now, it’s important for taxpayers to take time and use caution when selecting a tax preparer you can trust. It’s important to avoid mistakes that could result in additional fees or even tax identity theft. Unfortunately, identity theft is not the only thing to watch out for when enlisting the help of a tax preparer or tax software to file

The Southbourne Tax Group: Detecting Financial Statement Fraud

Looking back at Enron, perhaps the company best known for committing accounting fraud, you can see the many methods that were utilized in order to fraudulently improve the appearance of its financial statements. Through the use of off balance sheet special purpose vehicles the firm continued to hide its liabilities and inflate its earnings. In 1999, limited partnerships were created for the purpose of purchasing Enron shares as a mean

The Southbourne Tax Group: Accounting For Half-Truths

A report by a brokerage on Satyam Computers gives an 'accumulate' rating, which means it expects the stock to go up. The rating is based on the company's high cash/market cap ratio. The information technology company had reported a cash balance of Rs 4,500 crore at the end of the 2007-08 financial year. The report gives a one-year price target of Rs 373 for the stock. The stock closes at

The Southbourne Tax Group: 10 Essential Tips for Preventing Corporate Fraud

Small businesses are often targets of fraud. According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), small and midsize companies suffer a greater share of fraud losses than do larger companies. Fraud Prevention Program Experts estimate that companies lose five to six per cent of their annual revenue to fraud, so a comprehensive fraud prevention program is essential. This consists of three things: • education • investigation • proactive prevention Employees are the most likely

The Southbourne Tax Group: 10 Essential Tips for Preventing Corporate Fraud

Small businesses are often targets of fraud. According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), small and midsize companies suffer a greater share of fraud losses than do larger companies. Fraud Prevention Program Experts estimate that companies lose five to six per cent of their annual revenue to fraud, so a comprehensive fraud prevention program is essential. This consists of three things: • education • investigation • proactive prevention Employees are the most likely

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