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Press Releases from Hyper IgM Foundation (3 total)

The Hyper IgM Foundation Awards $100,000 Grant to Dr. Daniele Canarutto and Prof …

NEW YORK, New York-The Hyper IgM Foundation is thrilled to announce it has awarded $100,000 to Dr. Daniele Canarutto and Prof. Luigi Naldini at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) in Milan, Italy to support groundbreaking research into In-depth genome integrity characterization of CD4+ T-cells gene-edited at the CD40LG locus for the treatment of Hyper-IgM 1. Hyper IgM Foundation President, Akiva Zablocki, expressed, "This marks the largest research

The Hyper IgM Foundation Presents $5,000 Grant to Dr. Caroline Kuo at UCLA

For Immediate Release July 6, 2017 NEW YORK, New York—The Hyper IgM Foundation is delighted to announce it has awarded $5,000 to Dr. Caroline Kuo and the Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles, to support research in connection with Site-Specific Gene Editing in the Treatment of X-Linked Hyper-IgM Syndrome. These funds will support the continued work in search of curative treatment for X-Linked Hyper IgM Syndrome (X-HIGM). Currently, the only

Hyper IgM Foundation Research Grants:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 11 , 2017. The Hyper IgM Foundation is proud to announce the availability of seed grant funding for researchers interested in the advancement of a cure for Hyper IgM Syndrome and primary immunodeficiency disorders. The intent of these grants is to accelerate scientific work focused on improving the treatment, quality of life, and long-term outlook for patients with Hyper IgM. Special consideration will be given to well-defined

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