Press Releases from Medical Devices In The US (45 total)
In-vitro Fertilization Devices Market, By Product Type (Incubator, IVF Consumabl …
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) associated with treatment of infertility and genetic disorders related to child conception. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2015, 231,936 ART cycles were performed in 464 reporting clinics in the U.S., resulting in 60,778 live births. The ART cycle consist of series of process, including ART procedure, followed by ovarian stimulation and…
Robotic Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Market, By Product Type (Surve …
Rehabilitation robotics and assistive technologies allow for use of robotic devices for rehabilitation of patients suffering from mobility issues. Robotic rehabilitation and assistive technologies allow for application of robotics in therapeutic procedures to help with recovery a person from various diseases or disabilities such orthopedic traumas, neuromotor disorders, cognitive diseases, strokes and spinal cord injury. Assistive robotics allows people suffering from degenerative motor and/or cognitive abilities to lead an independent…
Biopreservation Market — Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opport …
Biopreservation is the technique used to increase shelf life of product, and to ensure the stability, purity of bio specimens. Bio-preservation is used for the storage of cells, tissues, organs and its recent trend includes its use in food safety. The equipment such as refrigerators, liquid nitrogen and consumables, and media and laboratory information management systems are used for bio preservation. Biobanking is a type of biopreservation that is widely…
Home Healthcare Market — Global Industry Insights, Outlook Size, Share and Opp …
Home Healthcare offers a wide range of healthcare services given from home for the treatment of disease or injury. The diverse industry includes infusion services, home skilled nursing and physical therapy and is often referred as home medical care. The home care services are usually less expensive, highly convenient to the patients, equally effective to the hospital care units or skilled nursing facility. The ultimate goal of home health care…
Home Healthcare Market
Home Healthcare offers a wide range of healthcare services given from home for the treatment of disease or injury. The diverse industry includes infusion services, home skilled nursing and physical therapy and is often referred as home medical care. The home care services are usually less expensive, highly convenient to the patients, equally effective to the hospital care units or skilled nursing facility. The ultimate goal of home health care…
The global cell culture monitoring biosensors market was valued at US$ 214.7 mil …
Cell Culture Monitoring Biosensors – Monitor the Cell Culture at Ease
Personalized medicine is at cusp of making rapid strides in the global pharmaceuticals market. This novel treatment method would potentially benefit a large population affected by chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, respiratory disorders, and neurological disorders. Developing personalized therapy requires understanding the patient’s genetic composition, identifying a biomarker, and multiplication of cells or tissues. Cell culture is the prominent…
Electronic Aspirin Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Oppor …
Frequent headaches in the changing lifestyle are a very common condition. Stress related to work has increased significantly in recent times. People have therefore resorted to self-medicate with a known analgesic brand. Aspirin is the most popular brand available for headache globally. Developed for headache and pain, Aspirin have extended indications now for heart attack and stroke. Moreover, it is estimated that nearly 700 to 1000 clinical trials are conducted…
Absorbable Nasal Implant Devices Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outl …
Absorbable nasal implants are used to treat nasal blockage or obstructions and allow better breathing and sleep to the patient. Nasal airway obstruction can be caused by several factors, including septal deviation, enlarged turbinates, and weakened upper and/or lower lateral nasal wall cartilage, which can lead to nasal valve collapse (vestibular stenosis). Symptoms include stuffiness, congestion or an inability to breathe through one or both nostrils. The nasal valve…
Global Hearing Protection Devices Market, By Product (Ear Plugs, Earmuffs, Unifo …
Hearing Protection Devices: Provide Secure Health at workplace
One in 10 people in the U.S. suffer from hearing impairment, which later troubles an individual’s ability to recognize and understand the normal speech. Intense sound exposure is one of the most general causes of impaired hearing. This can be experience at industrial area, traffic, manufacturing site, and mines. The workers working in these premises are subjected to high noise levels, which can…
Global Elderly and Disabled Assistive Devices Market, By End User (Hospital, Hom …
Elderly and Disabled Assistive Devices – Evolving from Luxury to Necessity
Assistive devices and technologies minimize individual’s dependence on others and helps improve quality of life. Devices such as wheelchairs, visual aids, hearings aids, and specialized computer software and hardware system aids in enhancing hearing, vision, mobility, or communication of the elderly and disabled people. According to an article published in the Assistive Technology Blog (ATB) in September 2016, there are…
Automated Breast Ultrasound Systems (ABUS) Market – By Product Type (Prone and …
Automated Breast Ultrasound Systems – The Future of Breast Screening
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer and the second leading cause of death among women, as evident from stats revealed by the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Growing awareness of breast cancer has increased number of women undergoing breast screening and in turn would propel demand for automated breast ultrasound systems (ABUS) in hospitals and diagnostic centers. ABUS…
Biomaterial Coating Market – Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Op …
Biomaterials are biological materials that are implanted into the body to replace missing tissue or repair the tissue or as part of implanted medical device. The metals are implanted into body during various treatments, however, this implantation sometimes generate intrinsic problems like corrosion and toxicity etc. To address these issues, biomaterial are used for coating the metal surface, which improves performance of the metal and avoids the issues related with…
Global Stairlifts Market – Global Industry Insights, Trends, Size, Share, Outl …
Stairlifts are the mechanical devices that is use to lift people up and down over the staircase which runs along a rail or track in home care settings or healthcare facilities. Stairlifts are also known variously as chair lifts or stair gliders. Stairlifts are motorized seats which are powered by alternating current or batteries so they can function even when there is no power cut. Stairlifts is available for both…
Large Volume Wearable Injectors Market — Global Industry Insights, Trends, Out …
Larger volumes drug delivery require a new product concept, a large-volume wearable injector
Large volume wearable injectors are devices that are used to deliver high volume of drugs usually in the range of 2 – 50 ml of drug within 2 – 15 minutes. There are many chronic conditions, which require prolonged and continuous drugs delivery and introduction of wearable injectors are one of the achievement in the field of novel…
Wireless Visual Cortical Stimulator Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, O …
Market Overview:
Wireless visual cortical stimulator devices are visual prosthetics used to restore functional vision of a blind user. It provides electrical stimulator that bypasses defected retinal cells and stimulates viable cells to induce visual perception. On October 26, 2016, Second Sight, announced its first implantation in a 30-year blind patient to provide human proof for the ongoing development of Orion I Visual Cortical Prosthesis (Orion I), wireless visual cortical stimulator.…
Non-invasive Pain Management Devices Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, …
Non-invasive pain management is a procedure used to control pain caused by illness or injury. Increasing incidence of cancer and rising number of trauma cases worldwide leads to increasing demand to manage pain associated with it. As per statistics released by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2014, trauma accounts for 41 million visits to the emergency ward each year in the U.S. Pain management is broadly classified…
Atrial fibrillation or A-fib or AF is an irregular heart beat exemplified by rapid and abnormal beating of the heart. The process usually starts as short periods of uncharacteristic beating that become elongated and constant over a period of time. Most episodes have little or no symptoms. Intermittently there can be palpitations in the heart, lightheadedness, fainting, chest pain, or shortness of breath, among others. Atrial fibrillation is linked with…
Hearing Protection Devices: Provide Secure Health at workplace
One in 10 people in the U.S. suffer from hearing impairment, which later troubles an individual’s ability to recognize and understand the normal speech. Intense sound exposure is one of the most general causes of impaired hearing. This can be experience at industrial area, traffic, manufacturing site, and mines. The workers working in these premises are subjected to high noise levels, which can…
Gastrointestinal means pertaining to the intestines and stomach. A tract is a group of anatomic structures or a sequence of associated body organs. Gastrointestinal disease refers to diseases that involve gastrointestinal tract such as the stomach, esophagus, small intestine, rectum, and the large intestine. It can also be related to other organs of digestion such as the liver, pancreas, and the gallbladder. The GI or gastrointestinal tract (also known as…
Global Geriatric Care Services Market Global Industry Insights Forecasts up to 2 …
Geriatric Care Services – Ageless Care
Aging increases the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiac disorders, arthritis, and respiratory disorders that require continuous monitoring. Also, aging decreases bone density that makes it a challenge for the geriatric population to continuously manage their medical needs and perform their daily activities. Hence, the need for geriatric care services arises, which to a great extent eases the life of the elderly population.…
Global 3D Printing for Medical Sector Market Global Industry Insights Forecasts …
3D Printing – Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry
3D printing is a rapidly emerging cost-effective technology with significant potential to transform healthcare delivery and clinical activities. This technology can be used in a range of devices such as prostheses, hearing aids, custom-made knee and hip implants, dental implants, and surgical instruments. The global 3D printing for medical sector market was valued at US$ 412.2 million in 2015 and is expected to expand…
Prosthetic Heart Valve Market Global Industry Insights Forecasts up to 2024, Res …
Prosthetic (artificial) heart valve refers to a device implanted in the heart of a patient suffering from valvular heart disease. A cardiac surgery is performed to replace the abnormal heart valve with a prosthetic heart valve. Replacement of a diseased valve with a prosthetic heart valve results in reduction in morbidity and mortality associated with the cardiac valve disorder. When the treatment of heart valve disease reaches a stage where…
Global Gynecological Devices Market, By Device Type (Surgical Devices, Hand Inst …
Gynecological Devices Market to be Lucrative in Emerging Nations
Gynecological examination requires meticulous approach to avoid diagnostic error. Specialized devices such as vaginal speculums, curettes, forceps, and retractors are developed to ease the surgery. Moreover, gynecological examination chairs makes conditional screening less cumbersome for the gynecologist. Such innovative devices have augmented the gynecological devices market growth. Growing incidence of gynecological conditions such vaginitis, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids would generate demand for…
Global Hearing Protection Devices Market, By Product (Ear Plugs, Earmuffs, Unifo …
Hearing Protection Devices: Provide Secure Health at workplace
One in 10 people in the U.S. suffer from hearing impairment, which later troubles an individual’s ability to recognize and understand the normal speech. Intense sound exposure is one of the most general causes of impaired hearing. This can be experience at industrial area, traffic, manufacturing site, and mines. The workers working in these premises are subjected to high noise levels, which can…
Organ-on-a-chip Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportun …
Organ-on-a-chip Market Overview
Organ-on-a-chip is gaining prominence on the backdrop of regulatory measures on animal testing and growing complexity in therapeutic applications. Various players are trying to capitalize on lucrative growth opportunities in the organ-on-a-chip devices market. It is a unique cell culture process, wherein biomimetic microsystem is used as a platform.
These devices are built on silicone, which can be used to grow internal organs. This finds application in organ transplantation…
Electrical Stimulation Blood Pressure Treatment Devices Market - Global Industry …
Electrical stimulation technology has been in use for various applications such as pain management, neurological and movement disorder management, musculoskeletal disorder management, and metabolism & GIT management. However, products for the treatment of resistance hypertension are under development. Despite significant advances in the drug therapy, hypertension still remains a major clinical condition and a key factor in the cardiovascular disease. Even changes in lifestyle habits such as weight loss, exercise,…
3D Printing for Medical Sector Market to Surpass US$ 1.1 Billion by 2024
3D Printing – Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry
3D printing is a rapidly emerging cost-effective technology with significant potential to transform healthcare delivery and clinical activities. This technology can be used in a range of devices such as prostheses, hearing aids, custom-made knee and hip implants, dental implants, and surgical instruments. The global 3D printing for medical sector market was valued at US$ 412.2 million in 2015 and is expected to expand…
Geriatric Care Services Market to surpass US$ 907.2 Billion by 2024
Geriatric Care Services – Ageless Care
Aging increases the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiac disorders, arthritis, and respiratory disorders that require continuous monitoring. Also, aging decreases bone density that makes it a challenge for the geriatric population to continuously manage their medical needs and perform their daily activities. Hence, the need for geriatric care services arises, which to a great extent eases the life of the elderly population.…
Brain Monitoring Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportu …
Brain monitoring devices identify and measure any abnormality in the functioning of the brain cells (neurons) that are linked with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, dementia, multiple sclerosis, sleep disorder, and brain tumor. Monitoring brain functions such as blood flow, pressure surrounding the brain, electrical and neural activity, gravity adjoining the brain, cerebral oxygen capacity, tumor, traumatic brain injury, and other conditions can aid in preventing serious…
Defibrillators Market to Surpass US$ 21.2 Billion by 2024
Defibrillators – Never Skip a Beat
Defibrillator is an essential tool in cardiopulmonary resuscitation indicated in cardiac arrhythmia. Various advancements have been observed in defibrillator technology – from manual to automated ones, and implantable defibrillators to ensure constant care for patients suffering from ischemic heart disease or those at high risk of cardiac arrest. A Global Resuscitation Alliance (GRA) was formed in 2016, comprising international health organizations, global resuscitation leaders, and…
Needle-free Blood Drawing Devices Market – Global Industry Insights, Trends, O …
Venipuncture or venepuncture is the process of obtaining blood by gaining intravenous access. This process is used for many purposes such for blood sampling and for removing excess blood for the treatment of polycythemia vera, an ailment that results in elevated blood volume or hematocrit. In healthcare, this process is performed by physicians, laboratory scientists, or phlebotomists. There are mainly two types of venipuncture, namely those conducted with needle and…
Infant Radiant Warmer Market – Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and …
Market Overview
Infant care equipment is used for newborn or preterm infants in order to provide accessibility for resuscitation or procedures without jeopardizing thermal stability .This equipment helps to provide heat, supply oxygen, and monitor vital parameters. Cardiopulmonary monitors, blood pressure monitors, endotracheal tube, bililights, nasal cannula, incubators, radiant warmer, pulse oximeter, and ventilators are among the various types of infant radiant warmers.
Infant radiant warmer, also called neonatal warming equipment, offers…
Infant Radiant Warmer Market – Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and …
Market Overview
Infant care equipment is used for newborn or preterm infants in order to provide accessibility for resuscitation or procedures without jeopardizing thermal stability .This equipment helps to provide heat, supply oxygen, and monitor vital parameters. Cardiopulmonary monitors, blood pressure monitors, endotracheal tube, bililights, nasal cannula, incubators, radiant warmer, pulse oximeter, and ventilators are among the various types of infant radiant warmers.
Infant radiant warmer, also called neonatal warming equipment, offers…
Light blue tube Phlebotomy Market – Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, …
The process of drawing blood from veins is known as phlebotomy. The procedure, also known as venipuncture, is primarily performed by specialists called phlebotomists. Medical laboratory scientists, doctors, and nurses often perform phlebotomy process as well. Phlebotomy is carried out for a range of reasons such as blood donations, medical testing, and research. Light blue top tubes are used for performing coagulation tests. Blood clotting or coagulation is the…
Gynecological Devices Market to Surpass US$ 4.5 Billion by 2024
Gynecological Devices Market to be Lucrative in Emerging Nations
Gynecological examination requires meticulous approach to avoid diagnostic error. Specialized devices such as vaginal speculums, curettes, forceps, and retractors are developed to ease the surgery. Moreover, gynecological examination chairs makes conditional screening less cumbersome for the gynecologist. Such innovative devices have augmented the gynecological devices market growth. Growing incidence of gynecological conditions such vaginitis, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids would generate demand for…
Global Deep Brain Stimulation Devices Market Industry Insights 2024
Increasing incidence of Parkinson’s disease to drive the deep brain stimulation devices market growth
According to the Parkinson’s disease Foundation, there are over 10 million people suffering from Parkinson’s disease worldwide as of 2016. As per findings published by the organization, incidence rate increases with age, and only 4% of people with PD are diagnosed before the age of 50 years. In U.S. alone, incidence is as high as 60,000 each…
Global 3D Printing for Medical Sector Market Industry Insights 2024
Reasonable price of 3D printed medical products leading to increasing popularity
Regional governments of various countries are focusing on burden of expensive medicines on patients through effective price control measures. However, reducing profit margins negatively impact investments in research and development (R&D) phase. 3D printed medical products can effectively address the concerns of governments and the industry. Spritam (Levetiracetam) from Aprecia Pharmaceuticals, is the first 3D printed tablet that received U.S.…
Global Interventional Neurology Market Size, Share and Forecast upto 2024
Innovative neurointerventional devices to cannibalize conventional neurointerventional devices
Coiling is the conventional and more of a gold standard treatment technique for stroke. Increasing complexities in treating patients suffering from recurring stroke incidents is driving demand for advanced technological products. Neurointerventional devices such as Intrasaccular devices, stent retrievers, and flow diverters are expected to gain major traction during the forecast period (2016 – 2024). Intrasaccular devices are expected to be launched in…
Cryoablation Devices Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opp …
Cryoablation is a technique that uses extreme cold for denaturing the diseased tissues in the human body. In cryoablation therapy, liquid nitrogen or argon gas is passed to the site of treatment using a probe, which creates intense cold that freezes the internal tumors. The procedure is often carried out multiple times till the affected tissue is totally destroyed. The technique yields high effectiveness for treatment of various tumors such…
Prosthetic Heart Valve Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and O …
Prosthetic Heart Valve Market Overview
Prosthetic (artificial) heart valve refers to a device implanted in the heart of a patient suffering from valvular heart disease. A cardiac surgery is performed to replace the abnormal heart valve with a prosthetic heart valve. Replacement of a diseased valve with a prosthetic heart valve results in reduction in morbidity and mortality associated with the cardiac valve disorder. When the treatment of heart valve disease…
Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Ou …
Intrauterine contraceptive devices - a way of birth control for a prolonged period
Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD), often found in T-shape, are inserted in the uterus in order to prevent conception. The arms of the device are fold flat helping to insert inside the womb and its size is like a match stick, so that it fits properly inside the womb. These devices include either copper or levonorgestrel, which helps in…
Vacuum Blood Collection System Market - Global Industry Insights 2024
Technological advancement towards offering better therapeutic results with single drop blood along with rising pharmaceutical R&D spending to create good market prospects for the industry leaders
Rising incidences of diseases, changing lifestyle, increasing surgical and transfusion procedures and emergence of many new diagnostic centers in developing regions is expected to create substantial market opportunities for the players.
Moreover, the system has its added advantage over other blood collection technique. It is light…
Needle-free Blood Drawing Devices Market Size, Share and Forecast upto 2024
Needle-Free Blood Drawing Devices Market Outlook –Low cost and reduced risk factors leading to greater adoption of needle-free blood drawing devices over tradition blood-drawing techniques
Regulatory standards as well as safety policies govern the global needle-free blood drawing devices market. Approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is mandatory for promotion and use of needle-free blood drawing devices. Companies such as Velano Vascular have obtained the same and offer…
Light blue tube Phlebotomy Market – Global Industry Insights, Trends and Oppor …
The process of drawing blood from veins is known as phlebotomy. The procedure, also known as venipuncture, is primarily performed by specialists called phlebotomists. Medical laboratory scientists, doctors, and nurses often perform phlebotomy process as well. Phlebotomy is carried out for a range of reasons such as blood donations, medical testing, and research. Light blue top tubes are used for performing coagulation tests. Blood clotting or coagulation is the…
Changing Regulatory And Reimbursement Scenario For Medical Devices In The US Mar …
GBI Research’s report Changing Regulatory and Reimbursement Scenario for Medical Devices in the US Market looks at the regulatory landscape and reimbursement scenario in the US for four medical device markets: cardiovascular devices, neurostimulation devices, diagnostic imaging devices and endoscopy devices.
The report provides comprehensive information on establishment registration, medical device listing, Premarket Notification (510k) or Premarket Approval (PMA), Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) for clinical studies, Quality System (QS) regulation,…
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