Press Releases from Get Your Tarot (6 total)
How Your Spoken Words Can Make You Or Break You
I'm going to try to share this story and make it short. But I think it is time to tell all who will read.
About 10 years ago I had this dream. No. It was more like an experience. I could feel other people in a way that I'd never could imagine here on earth. Dare I say, I could feel their consciousness in a village that I lived in.
It was…
Psychics Predict Good News for Love and Money in 2018
During the beginning of the New Year we receive a lot of questions about what is going to happen in 2018. The questions are mostly about love and finances which is totally understandable. As humans we are creatures that love to connect with one another. A stable finance is extremely important for survival in our world. Acknowledging these facts, two psychics from made a few predictions about what…
Seasoned Psychics Are Stealing The Spotlight is the first network to offer Reiki Healing and hires the finest advisors while providing accurate, secured and compassionate counseling. In other words, is the couture of Psychic and Tarot readings. Unlike other networks, interviews are an hour long and each advisor is tested for accuracy. The quality standards are extremely high which insures getting clear and detailed answers.
About The Advisors
Some of our advisors are famous…
New Faster Way to Cut Learning Tarot in Half
Concerns about learning tarot are quickly resolved. Most tarot beginners want to know how they can master tarot in half the time of the experts. Professional tarot readers usually have about 15 to 35 years under their belt before considered at an expert level. Luckily for those who are just starting to learn tarot, there is a faster and easier method. This method is about remembering keywords verses meanings…
Men Commit to a Relationship After Women Start Using Tarot
Tarot cards answer questions that women want to know about their love life. "How to get my lover to commit?" The biggest problem women have today is men that only lust after them, play games or only call when it's convenient for them. There is a way to stop the confusion and really know what a guy wants without wasting anymore time. This method is with the help of using…
Live Tarot Classes Makes Tarot Reading Authentic, answer questions that many want to know about tarot. "How can I learn tarot without trying to remember each meaning?" With 78 cards in a deck and both upright and reverse meanings, learning the Rider Waite Deck can be agonizing. There is a quicker method that will provide accurate results. This method is about remembering keywords in each card and other powerful tactics.
Lizzy says, “The live tarot class was…
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