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Press Releases from India News Communications Ltd. (9 total)

Odisha Livelihoods Mission Received awards for the best performance in the count …

New Delhi 19/6/2017: Odisha received the award of best performing state in DDU-GKY, a flagship skill development programme of MoRD, DAY-NRLM under the category of vulnerability reduction and best implementation of PMAY-G. In a special programme organized in Vigyan Bhavan, Secretary-cum-Commissioner, Department of Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water, Government of Odisha Shri D.K. Singh, IAS, received the award on behalf of the state Odisha along with SMD,

ABP News Network gives the creative communications mandate to Macaw Communicatio …

New Delhi: The communication and advertising venture of INCL Group, Macaw Communication & Advertisements Pvt. Ltd. won the creative communications mandate for ABP Asmita, the regional channel for Gujarat state in a multi-agency pitch. The agency won this pitch due to the multi-industry experience of more than two decades and expertise in the related electronic media sector. Sharing his views on this account win, Mr. Prashant Kumar, Director & CEO,

India News Communications won 360 degree communications mandate for OLM

Delhi/NCR, 25 April, 2017: India News Communications, an INCL Group Company, has won the communication and branding mandate for Odisha Livelihoods Mission (OLM). INCL Group had to succeed in multi-agency EOI cum RFP. The agency, backed with a fully integrated and packed, strategic and creative presentation, won the account for both the assignments which can broadly be stated as 360 degree communications and branding mandate. OLM was launched in 2011 under

Nirankar Saxena named IC² Institute Fellow

The IC² Institute is pleased to announce the newest IC² Fellow, Nirankar Saxena. IC² recognizes his significant contribution in fostering Indo-US collaboration in science, technology and innovation. Nirankar Saxena is a Senior Director of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). FICCI is India’s largest and oldest apex business organization, representing over 250,000 companies and providing a platform for consensus building within industry sectors and among industry, government

Kamdhenu Ltd. Shines with “Indian Power Brand Award 2016"

In the steel sector, Kamdhenu limited is one of the prestigious company whose brand value is increasing day by day. Recently, Kamdhenu limited was awarded with the prestigious award "Indian Power brand award 2016" after a most comprehensive research conducted by the Indian Council of Market Research and franchise India, which found Kamdhenu Steels to be one of India's most recognizable brands of Indian origin. Out of 684 leading brands

Indian start-ups take Indian innovations to Africa Twenty- One Indian Start-ups …

11th July2016, Nairobi: The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) jointly with the Technology Development Board, Government of India took a delegation of twenty one Indian innovation led start-ups to Nairobi, Kenya showcased at the business enclave that was addressed the Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi and the President of Kenya on 11 July 2016. FICCI and TDB intend to begin a program dubbed African Development through

DRDO completes the technology-transfer of its proprietary Copper-Titanium alloy …

Hyderabad, June 28, 2016: DRDO today concluded a technology-transfer process for its indigenously developed Copper-Titanium technology to Pahwa MetalTech Private Limited (PMTPL), a Pune-based startup founded by industry veteran, Mr Lalit Kumar Pahwa. The technology transfer exercise was completed under the aegis of the DRDO-FICCI Accelerated Technology Assessment & Commercialization (ATAC) initiative. Coinciding with the launch of the ‘Startup India’ initiative by the Hon’ble PM of India on the 16th

Millennium Alliance Announces Round 3 Awards INR 26 Crores for 33 Social Enterpr …

14th April 2016, New Delhi: Millennium Alliance, a multilateral consortium led by India recognized and awarded 33 Indian social enterprises selected through a rigorous year long process to identify technologies and innovations that impact bottom of the pyramid population in India and could also be successfully deployed in other developing countries in Africa and South East Asia. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) jointly with

DRDO-FICCI ATAC program organizes an Innovation Roundtable with the US Secretary …

US Secretary of Defense meets and interacts with Indian Startups New Delhi. April 12, 2016: The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry today organized an innovation roundtable under the DRDO-FICCI Accelerated Technology Assessment and Commercialization Programme with the US Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter. Ten entrepreneurs spoke about their start-up models in sectors including aerospace, defense, and cleantech. The entrepreneurs comprised five companies to whom DRDO technologies were

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