Press Releases from Business Horizons (3 total)
New Delhi, 19 June, 2020 - Business Horizons, pharmaceutical publishers, announces the launch of their latest publication titled Pharma Manufacturing Covid-19 Challenge. This is their latest offering in the field of pharmaceutical books, after the highly successful earlier book Pharmaceutical Facility Management.
In December 2019, China began noticing a disturbing trend of pneumonia like cases that were fast multiplying in the city of Wuhan, the sprawling capital of central China’s Hubei…
Pharmaceutical Facility Management – New Book Released
The new 2014 second edition of this bestselling book is bigger, better and takes the reader to the next level. Hardbound 424 pages, ISBN: 9788190646796
The new second edition of this bestselling book is bigger, better and takes the reader to the next level and future ready. While the earlier edition was all about smooth and troublefree working of a pharmaceutical facility, the new second edition strives to achieve excellence and…
Achieving Quality and Compliance Excellence in Pharmaceuticals - New Book Releas …
In todays contemporary pharmaceutical industry, the focus has slowly but surely shifted from the elusive research pipeline and latest blockbuster molecules to current processes, efficiencies and manufacturing systems. A path most often taken by manufacturers today in this direction includes improving their overall quality and compliance efforts. This results in a two-pronged approach of minimizing the litigation cost and concurrently improving the overall quality of the products and efficiencies in…
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