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Interview with the Author of Rugged: Mastering the Digital Wild West of Meme Investing - Dalitomma

12-09-2024 08:30 AM CET | Business, Economy, Finances, Banking & Insurance

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Author Dalitomma with his book Rugged

Author Dalitomma with his book Rugged

Dalitomma is a doxxed 30-year veteran of Web 1.0 to Web 3.0, having established the world's largest website in the 1990s dedicated to traveling, living, and investing overseas. A true Bitcoin OG, Dalitomma bought his first BTC in 2011 off Craigslist. In 2015, he published the Amazon best-selling book *The 7th Disruption - The Rise of the Digital Currency Billionaire*, which was downloaded over 400,000 times. He later launched *The CoinProfit*, the first-ever TV show on crypto, on Grant Cardone's TV Network in 2016, interviewing blockchain pioneers like Don Tapscott, Brock Pierce, Charlie Shrem, and Jay Samit.

Dalitomma has spoken on stages in over 40 countries about the disruptive power of blockchain technology. In 2021, he founded a Web 2.5 company, which was ranked as a top 3 Silicon Valley tech company, and built a top 200 BNB token with 300,000 members and 30,000 holders.

He now resides on a farm south of Atlanta with his wife of 35 years, his two rescued dogs, and is the proud father of two exceptional young men. A lifelong entrepreneur and tech pioneer, Dalitomma enjoys fishing, sailing, and reading over 30 books a year.

Author Q&A

What inspired you to write your first book?

I read my first article on digital currency in 1999 - it was about E-Gold and I was inspired by the notion of having an independent currency separate from fiat or government backed currencies. In 2011 I read the Satoshi whitepaper and bought some Bitcoin and then forgot about it until I saw on CNBC it was $335 a coin and I then discovered ethereum. I decided to write my first book which was The 7th Disruption - The Rise of the Digital Currency billionaire which became an Amazon Best Seller. I was contracted by a company to travel to over 40 countries to speak on this subject. I then decided to start a TV Podcast on Grant Cardone's GCTV Called the CoinProfit and interviewed some of the biggest names in crypto today. In fact I gave Grant Cardone his first Bitcoin… a $100K mistake. I am now in the process of writing a revised version of this book called The 7th Disruption (Revised) - The Rise of the Digital Currency Trillionaire. 9 years later I was introduced to the meme industry which is in its infancy and I went to look for books on the topic and there were very few. So I dug into my research over 6 months and wrote the book Rugged: Mastering the Digital Wild West of Meme Investing.

Do you have a specific writing style?

I have been called the Rosetta Stone of cryptocurrency - Being that I am not a coder and more of a mechanic - I am able to explain things in more common language terms. I am a big fan of the writing styles of Walter Issacson, Dan Kennedy, Simon Sinek, Jim Collins, Malcolm Gladwell and Stephen Covery. I have read every single book they have published. But my language model is not technical and I have lots of real life analogies to explain Bitcoin which has been the number 1 question I have received over the years.

How did you come up with the title?

98% of Meme tokens are rug pulls - meaning the developer lets the token go up in price and then they sell bundled tokens that are hidden or they pull the liquidity and Rug the project leaving the investors with complete losses.

Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?

Yes - the Golden Rule of Meme investing - Do not invest in any meme for the first 1-24 hours. - 90% of them Rug in the first hour. And please read my book before buying ANY memes.

What books have most influenced your life most?

I would say - Ayn Rand with Atlas Shrugged, Paulo Coehlo the Alchemist, Simon Sinek Find your Why and Stephen Coveys Principle Center Leadership. I am an avid reader and podcast listener and I consume the equivalent of about 100 books a year. I am also a big fan of Aldous Huxley and Don Tappscott who wrote the Blockchain Revolution, the quinnescential book on the disruption of Blockchain technology.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Walter Issacson - He is a great story teller and I love how he develops his books. Also from a non fiction writer - Don Tapscott

What book are you reading now?

Mostly books on Memetics by Blackmore and Dawkins - but also revisiting Founders by Soni, and a couple books I have read by Simon Sinek - The infinite Game.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Dawkins and Blackmore - just going down the rabbithole of Memetics to become the founding father of MemeMedia which encompases Visual, Musical and Literary art. Showing artists how they can use Meme technology to build communities and fund their passions.

What are your current projects?

Obviously Rugged and its associated token $Buji See White Paper and www.memetokenalliance.,com with is a Self Regulatory Organizaition and Meme Launch Agency for Memes that will follow ethical best practices.

Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

I generated a MIRACLE strategy for success and M stands for Mentors - I would say most of my mentors have been literary but I have several high profile friends who I will keep nameless who have been friends for 30 years and who have always believed in my eleven when I have failed.

Do you see writing as a career?

I would say as a passion - I don't really write books to make money - I write them to make an impact - I like finding a problem and using words and analogies to create solutions. I have this saying that as an author you are more like an artist - You must be able to paint an image in people's minds that they can see as if they are blind. I like writing on cutting edge technology that benefits humanity.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

More details and images but it would expand the book to 500 pages lol - People do not have that kind of time or attention span nowadays.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I bought a course on how to become an influencer and writing a book was #1 on their list. Ironically I failed english in my senior year in high school and had to take summer school to graduate. So writing was never my strength. I improved my use of vocabulary and writing skills by being in sales and reading books on how to write and sales copywriting skills.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

I have above - On The Rugged Book, the Buji token and the Meme Token Alliance - it is full time for me.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Staying focused - but I have found creating an ideational outline for the chapter and just writing when I am in the mood works best - which is usually late at night or 4am-6am in the morning over coffee

Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?

I love to travel and plan on doing speaking engagements at Crypto conferences - I have mentioned i have already traveled to every end of the earth talking about the Disruption of Blockchain tech

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Find something you are passionate - invest the 10,000 hours to become an expert and write a book not for money but for impact.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Yes! Read the book before investing in memes. Develop a trade plan, invest what you can afford to lose and get ready to go down a BIG rabbithole - forget your hobbies for a while and stop watching the news.

Connect with Dalitomma online at his website and on X

Rugged: Mastering the Digital Wild West of Meme Investing is available for purchase on Amazon.

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