The Importance of Myth for a New Human Science
In this book, Rainer Höing turns the critical power of myth against conventional science and dispositive thinking, propagating a theory of liberation that has not been appropriated by dominant thinking.At the heart of the book is the discussion of myth as a counter-concept to contemporary scientific thinking. Is it really possible to find perspectives in its field of meaning that are so incompatible with the current zeitgeist that they allow us to "step out" of it and look at it "from the outside"? This is what is urgently needed. After all, the seemingly alternative-less materialistic way of thinking has the world firmly in its grip and has so far largely appropriated any criticism without consequences. In the face of a development that is rushing towards ecological, economic and social abysses, there is a need for reflection, a radical critique that allows for liberation from the given constraints.
In this situation, ways of seeing and living that are diametrically opposed and alien to the dominant way of thinking as the absolute "outside" play a key role. The confrontation with myth thus becomes the basis for a radical critique capable of breaking through the delusion of domination that has been implanted in things and concepts. The familiarity of myth with the groundlessness of things and of being leads to a theory of liberation that, with an important modification, draws on Bataille's concept of "transgression".
The anthropological dissertation at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Marburg/Lahn under the supervision of Prof. Dietmar Kamper was passed with distinction in 1979. The decision to publish it in 2023 is based on the fact that it continues to undoubtedly enrich the structuralist discourse. It also reflects the current threats to ecology and humanity. What it offers is nothing less than a systematic break with the prevailing way of thinking.
The book: Rainer Höing "The Importance of Myth for a New Human Science" / Soft-/Hardcover/E-Book / ISBN 978-3-347-87754-2 / Price: €29,60 / Pages: 132 / Size: 14.8 cm x 21.0 cm / First published 21 February 2023, revised version, June 2023 / Available now from / Link:
Author Rainer Hoeing
Altengarten 14
51545 Waldbroel
Phone: 00492291808670
Rainer Hoeing
Phone: 00492291808670
About the author:
Born 1953, studied education, sociology and psychology at the Philipps-Universität Marburg/Lahn. Graduated with distinction. With empathy and a critical eye, the author seeks insights and treasures where a materialistically indoctrinated science ignores them for systemic reasons. His aim is to uncover the spiritual approaches to this world in a new way, to clarify their benefits and to encourage a contemporary appreciation. Active as an author since 2020 with the aim of passing on his special knowledge to laypeople and experts.
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