Intelligent data management allows optimal traffic flow
Various towns suffer from a lot of traffic. AUDIO MOBIL developed an automobile real-time data management, which transfers information of the car to a data center. In the process no conclusion to the driver or car owner are possible and the anonymity is assured. Only data like position, consumption, speed or temperature of the car are used. With that system traffic experts can gain relevant information about the current situation and the traffic could be managed optimally.AUDIO MOBIL worked together with the SCCH ( to develop that system. Additionally the company received funding from the FFG and used an innovation cheque.
The system was awarded with the ENERGY GLOBE Award 2009.
Further information about the system:
The Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) is one of the largest independent software research centers in Austria and a harbinger in software-related, technological research & development trends. The SCCH guarantees internationally recognized research & development services. The combination of scientific disciplines around computer science and mathematics makes SCCH unique. The focus is on the following areas:
Process and Quality Engineering
Integrated Software Engineering Tools
Enterprise Applications
Industrial Data Warehousing
Industrial Data Mining
Biomedical Data Mining
Knowledge-Based Vision Systems for Industrial Applications
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH (SCCH)
Mag. Martina Höller - Marketing and PR Manager
Softwarepark 21
A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Tel. +43 7236 3343-882
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