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PDF to DOCX, HTML Conversions & Enhanced JPG to PDF Export with Reduced File Size using Java

11-20-2017 11:05 AM CET | IT, New Media & Software

Press release from: Aspose

What's New in this Release?

Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.9.0. Aspose team has specifically focused towards the stability of existing features to cater various scenarios with wide variety of documents. Some of the customers reported issues related to file format conversion and this release have made great improvements related to inter file format conversion features. To name few of the improvements, JPG to PDF with reduced output file size, performance issues regarding XPS to PDF conversion, PDF to HTML conversion, PDF to DOCX conversion to correctly render non-English (especially Hebrew text) and TIFF to PDF format conversion are noticeable improvements. With all these changes, the API has become more stable and robust as compared to earlier release versions. It has also made enhancements related to PDF Form manipulation. As it always recommended, please always try using latest release of Aspose API’s as they include latest features / improvements and fixes related to issues reported in earlier release versions. Some important improved features included in this release are given below

• JPG to PDF increased PDF file size
• Significant performance decrease issue regarding memory usage and time consumption.
• XPS to PDF: performance issue
• PDF to HTML: some text become smaller
• Using CallBackGetHocr results with blank image
• API is throwing java.awt.HeadlessException Exception at Document load
• PDF to DOCX - incorrect rendering of the Hebrew text
• Evaluation mark is being added in output while using valid license
• PDF to PDF/A - compliance error: Real value out of range
• TIFF to PDF - Image is darker in shade

Overview: Aspose.Pdf for Java

Aspose.Pdf is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now users can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables users to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.

More about Aspose.Pdf for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Pdf for Java:

- Download Aspose.Pdf for Java at:

- Read online documentation of Aspose.Pdf for Java at:

Aspose Pty Ltd was founded in March 2002 in Sydney, Australia. The corporate portal was firstly launched in October 2002. Aspose strives to provide the richest component choices for global .NET programmers. Thousands of organizations from tens of countries have acquired Aspose products, including Microsoft, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, DuPont, Hilton Hotels, Reader's Digest, Bank of America, Boeing, Siemens, etc.

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465

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