Press release
JRPG with a Twist: 'LV99: Final Fortress' out on 8 July
One and a half year after the release of 'Game Master Plus', an expanded and streamlined remake of the free japanese-style role-playing game 'Game Master', another Great Potion Games project has now been finished. The newest work of the Germany-based game developer and publisher is entitled 'LV99: Final Fortress' and will be available on Steam on 8 July 2020.In 'LV99: Final Fortress', the player takes control of a heroine called Ariel and her companions Billie and Celsia. These three enter the Final Fortress, a place where two dangerous beings — opposing forces from an ancient war — are held captive. With the stronghold prison close to running out of power to sustain the shackles, the malicious inmates are to be taken care of before they can break free. Who would be better suited for the task than a team consisting of an accomplished chosen one, a dragon-slaying princess from the harsh and icy north and a brilliant mage of calculated composure?
The core element of the game are without a doubt the battles. Players face a number of bosses, all with unique skills and special moves that can completely change the tides. After each battle, players may open a chest and receive a legendary piece of equipment, a relic from the past which massively boosts one or more stats and provides a new powerful skill. In order to defeat the harder bosses, players need to choose their equipment and skills carefully in order to create strong synergetic effects and/or exploit the boss's weakness. 'I’ve tried several different approaches in terms of the skill architecture and tweaked some of the details many, many times', says Patrick Wunsch, the developer. 'It's crucial you to get these mechanics right.'
Being made by a very creative mind, 'LV99: Final Fortress' has naturally grown more complex over time. 'It’s still a bit shorter than previous projects', says Wunsch, 'but it contains much more than its core fantasy now.' Players will now also explore the dungeon to solve puzzles, collect keys and other items and use certain tools in a metroidvania-like way.
Wunsch would like to reach out to editors, bloggers, youtubers and others with a passion for RPGs, especially indie ones. 'If you want to help launch this game with an impact and make it known — realistically as some sort of "hidden gem" — to the gaming community, don't hesitate to write me an e-mail. I'd be happy to send you a review copy and the press kit or answer your interview questions.'
More information about this game and the previous ones can be found on the Great Potion Games website under as well as on Facebook ( and Instagram (
Great Potion Games
Patrick Wunsch
Hageresch 55
33739 Bielefeld
Great Potion Games is the label under which Patrick Wunsch, a 32-year old guy from Germany, develops and publishes games. Starting with RPG Maker 2000 at the age of 13, he has worked with every main entry in the RPG Maker series. After 'Game Master' and its expanded and streamlined remake 'Game Master Plus', the third game 'LV99: Final Fortress' will be released on Steam on 8 July 2020.
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