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Online Dating for Green Singles

06-03-2020 12:20 PM CET | Fashion, Lifestyle, Trends

Press release from: LEA Networking Sarl

A new dating site with an ecological flair

Leysin /06th June 2020. Lovearthangels founded a value-oriented online dating site & community "for a better world" at The platform is supposed to be a community of ecologically conscious people, forming and consolidating ideas and values, thus bringing like-minded people together.

In this way, users already have a common basis for a trustful and deep communication. We all know that common concerns are the foundation of strong relationships and may lead to friendship and love.

Lovearthangels offers many opportunities to contact likeminded people and to present own projects in order to make a difference and to share, inspire or exchange ideas with other members.

Everyone has access, but the usage differs for users and premium members. While free users are restricted in their ability to view and contact, Premium members can fully view the profiles of other users and, if they are interested, send or chat with them. They can present their projects, share their music and videos, and upload unlimited photos.

And best of all, Lovearthangels is committed to donate 50% of its subscription revenue to environmentally friendly organisations that want to raise awareness of the world's plastic pollution, propose and implement solutions.

Being a premium member means making contact easier, finding your soulmate but also involves you in tidying up our oceans of plastic garbage.

LEA Networking Sarl
Avenue Rollier 3
1854 Leysin


LEA Networking Ltd. is a meeting online place for extraordinary relationships, love and communion.

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