Press release
African Americans Back to Africa Movement
The New United Republic begins by quoting Dr. Claud Anderson, in his book Black Labor White Wealth, “For everyone but the caretakers of the old civil rights organizations, the Civil Rights Movement for blacks is dead. All of the rights gained by the Civil Rights Movement have been bequeathed to groups that are more acceptable to the larger society- women, gays, Hispanics, Asians, handicapped and poor whites.”Seventeen years later the conditions in America are awful, and African Americans continue to lag behind as a progressive self-determined people. African Americans ancestors were captured and taken off their “Land” and sold by other Black African tribes. The Europeans that aided and abetted the Africans in this crime against humanity, brought Africans here to America cramped, and crammed into the belly of so-called Slave Ships. What African Americans lost by being criminally sold and deported from West Africa was “Land.” The New United Republic humbly request from the nations of Senegal, Mali, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau the return of our ancestral homeland. This does not negate the fact that the enslavement of the African American people covered the whole of West Africa, Southern and Central Africa. The New United Republic appeals to the West African nations to give African Americans the land requested below.
President Abraham Lincoln stated:
“On September 18 during a debate at Charleston, Illinois before a crowd of 15,000, Lincoln declared: ” I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races; I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. Lincoln continued: “I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” “What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races." Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273
One million African American men marched to Washington for a Day of Atonement. The conditions in the black communities have not changed, the New United Republic needs a million black men to get together and build a new nation for African American women and children. No disrespect intended, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hebrew Israelites, Egyptologist, and the rest of these practices have failed the African American man and woman as a whole and has kept African Americans divided. United African Americans Stand! Join the New United Republic to build a Vatican City, a Mecca, and a Jerusalem. According to, African Americans have a wealth of knowledge and experience in all job sectors in America, 41.1 million strong. Visit the web site, call into the teleconference every Saturday from 7:30 9:00 P.M, (760) 569-7676, Participation Code: 382870#. Take the Opinion Poll survey and sign up to be a citizen of the new nation! President Kennedy said it best, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".
The New United Republic is the name of the new country, which is located between Senegal, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Mali West Africa. The New United Republic seeks to be the next new country in West Africa, with a democractic form of government patterned after the United States government.
The New United Republic
PO Box 24
Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110-1326
Contact Person(s): Faatimah Sabir/Bilal Sabir
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