Press release
Interactive Algorithms
Interactive Algorithms is a real-time predictive analytics software solutions provider for capital market clients.Interactive Algorithms first product is EarlyInfo. The EarlyInfo software application will help investors and traders with market knowledge by analyzing millions of current and historical data in fractions of a second to get the correlated information as statistical and probabilistic prediction using advance AI adaptive algorithms and natural language processing. EarlyInfo will help make trading decision by combining real time news sources and real time opinion mining from social media sites such as Twitter correlating with current stock market value.
The data-mining analytical engine is intergrated in the EarlyInfo application which uses natural language processing to recognize the sentiments and an advanced adaptive A.I algorithms to find the correlations. Earlyinfo tool can be used by any assert traders or investors who want to know the current market opinions and sentiments.
The system is fully Linux based and developed in Java, C ++ technologies, installed and shipped with the hardware to the client, the data center is remotely managed and supported by the EarlyInfo support team.
Interactive Algorithms mission is to fulfill the need of real-time data processing, prediction requirements for financial industry clients by conducting in dept study of the market and its current trends in the industry.
Ananth Raj -CEO
Interactive Algorithms Inc
1396 -412 , rue Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC, H3G 1P9,
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