Press release
Animal Replacement Technologies - Chief Operating Officer Search
Animal Replacement Technologies announced today the opening of a search for the position of Chief Operating Officer. This new position shall report directly to the President, and will carry executive responsibility for fundraising, sales and marketing, and general business administration. The individual ideally suited for this position will have an MBA from a reputable university and executive-level experience in the medical device, pharmaceutical, or biotechnology industries.Animal Replacement Technologies, based in Sarasota, Florida, develops sophisticated synthetic human tissues and body parts for the medical device, consumer product, and pharmaceutical industries. These patented products employ replacable muscles, tendons, veins, arteries, and organs, all made from novel materials that mimic the structural, chemical, and mechanical properties of discrete living tissues. Our models are currently used by Fortune 500 medical device manufacturers in validation testing, by medical professionals in surgical training, and by military manufacturers in ballistics testing.
Medical product designers, researchers, and educators also use Animal Replacement Technologies' products to perform highly compelling comparative benchmarking studies. Such tests allow the developer to illustrate performance differences between prototype variants or prototypes and previously released devices. Used in this capacity, our modeling technology is the best tool available for supporting substantial equivalence claims to the FDA.
"There is no rubber, glass, or plastic in our products", says Dr. Christopher Sakezles, the President of Animal Replacement Technologies. "Our extensive library of synthetic human tissue analogs is designed on the basis of tests performed on live tissues, and much like the real thing these analog materials are composed primarily of water, fibers, and salts. In fact, each component we make, such as an individual piriformis muscle, is itself comprised of multiple complex constructions . . . these are highly sophisticated products made from very complex composite materials."
For more information please contact:
Dr. Christopher Sakezles
Animal Replacement Technologies
2522 Trailmate Drive
Sarasota, Florida 34243
Main: 941-727-0488
Fax: 941-727-0489
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