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Angelo Inglese, when art meets innovation

09-03-2018 12:09 PM CET | Fashion, Lifestyle, Trends

Press release from: YepNews

/ PR Agency: YepNews
Angelo Inglese

Angelo Inglese

Quality, exclusivity and originality are just some of the features of Angelo Inglese's tailor-made. A few kilometers from Matera, in the city of Ginosa, there's a highly innovative fashion workshop that in recent years has been promoting the Apulian tailor-made in the international market. Management of machining processes with support of expert systems, tailor-made remote assistance, h24 virtual consultant based on artificial intelligence and highly innovative production processes with application of anti-stain nanotechnologies are just some of the brilliant innovations. "Fashion and technology represent a wide union. In order to keep up with the times we decided to trust in innovation - Angelo Inglese says, well known, among other things, for having made the shirt of Prince William at his wedding - Technology helps us to interact in an interactive and constant way with the customer. This allows us to always be present even thousands of kilometers away thanks to the help of the virtual consultant that we have promoted ". The Ginglese app, available on Google Play and App Store, is an exclusive access channel for many customers who love the Angelo Inglese's style. The application was developed by iInformatica, thanks to the efforts of Diego Sinito, Antonio Ruoto, Michele Di Lecce and Vincenzo Ribaudo.

Angelo Inglese was born in Ginosa, a small provincial town, between Taranto and Matera.
Since his tender age, He used to go to the family’s tailor’s shop, the place that has contributed to let him into “his world”.
He is known, among other things, for having made the shirt of Prince William at his wedding.

Sartoria G. Inglese Vittorio Emanuele, 118 – Ginosa (TA)
Tel. 099 8292572
Fax. 099 8292572

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