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Press Releases from ABAS Software AG (174 total)

abas Business Software: Container management and EDI (Electonic Data Interchange …

Karlsruhe, December 18, 2006 - Version 2006 of abas ERP/Automotive provides adjustments to the current requirements of automotive components suppliers. Relevant fields specific to the automotive area were added to the EDI Center. A new feature is the container management. abas ERP/Automotive grows with the requirements of the automotive industry and always remains upgradeable. Container management Reusable containers can be used if the costs for the return transport and the cleaning

Indian Summer in Germany/Golden autumn for ABAS

Karlsruhe, 8th November, 2006 – In North America the early autumn sunny weather is called “Indian Summer” and the foliage is famous for it’s beautiful colors. The German autumn of 2006 is also showing signs of an Indian Summer with the high pressure weather. With 42 new customers from the most diverse industry sectors which the ABAS Software AG and the abas Software Partners gained in September and October 2006,

ABAS: Over 500 innovations and enhancements

abas Business Software Version 2006 Karlsruhe, October 20, 2006 - The current version 2006 of the abas Business Software (ERP, PPC, MRP, eBusiness) offers more than 500 innovations, enhancements and improvements in many function areas. The ABAS Software AG employs a continuous upgrade strategy. A new version of the abas Business Software is provided each year. With each upgrade the users benefit from extensive function expansions and modern technologies. An


Karlsruhe, October 5th, 2006 - From October 23-27, the IT fair SYSTEMS will take place in Munich. In hall A1 on stand 238, the ABAS Software AG will, together with its sales partners, present innovations regarding the abas Business Software (ERP, PPC, MRP, eBusiness). The abas Web Portal, the industry-sector solution abas ERP/Automotive and the optimization of the customer service using the new abas Service Center will be presented among

The ABAS Software AG founds new subsidiary company in France

The ABAS Software AG, IT specialist for medium-sized businesses, has founded a new French subsidiary company at the ADEC location in La Walck, near Strasbourg. The software provider from Karlsruhe, specialized in ERP and eBusiness solutions for medium-sized businesses, is one of the leading providers in Germany. For several years now the company has opted for international expansions and expands its partner network worldwide. With the French subsidiary company

Shareholder's Meeting 2006 of ABAS Software AG

On July 21, 2006 the shareholders, the CEO and the Supervisory Board of ABAS Software AG met for the shareholders\' meeting in the Renaissance Hotel, Karlsruhe. Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Peter Walser, and Chairman of the Executive Board, Werner Strub, reported on the business trend of the ABAS Software AG to the shareholders which were present. Growth in sales revenue, sales figures and profit The year 2005 which

abas Business Software again receives best score from users

Karlsruhe, July 19, 2006 - The study "User satisfaction ERP/Business Software" by i2s GmbH ( Zurich), ADV, (Vienna) and Trovarit AG is carried out annualy in Switzerland since 2003, in Germany since 2004, and in Austria since 2005. User satisfaction is a central control quantity for a matured industry such as the software sector. The objective of the study is to provide additional orientation to users when selecting a software

Czech blacksmith's shop opts for abas ERP

Kovarna Viva Zlin sro decides on ERP solution by ABAS Karlsruhe, May 30, 2006 - The blacksmith\'s shop Kovarna VIVA Zlin with an annual turnover of approximately 450 mil. CZK is one of the leading blacksmith\'s shops in the Czech Republic. In the ERP selection process the business standard software of the Karlsruhe ERP and eBusiness provider ABAS Software AG prevailed, the support on site will be carried out by the

ERP and eBusiness provider ABAS: 45 new projects until April 2006

The brand name abas Business Software includes the products abas ERP, abas Trade and abas eB. Thus, a complete solution which provides a broad spectrum of functions is available to medium-sized companies: from purchasing and sales through to materials management, production planning and production through to accounting and eBusiness. In the first four months of the current fiscal year many contracts were concluded, the abas sales partners were able to

ERP and eBusiness provider ABAS: New installations in German-speaking countries …

ABAS, the eBusiness and ERP software provider from Karlsruhe does not only grow on an international level but also in the German-speaking countries. Already in 2005 the IT provider was able to register a strong growth in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, another increase in abas installations is planned for 2006. Plus for new installations in German-speaking countries In the past years the markets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland could continuously

ABAS at Midvision trade fair 2006

Karlsruhe, May 22, 2006 - From June 21 - 22, 2006, the IT trade fair Midvidion opens its doors. Together with its sales partners, the ERP and eBusiness provider ABAS from Karlsruhe present innovations regarding the abas Business Software (ERP, PPC, MRP, eBusiness) on stand D12. The Karlsruhe Messe and Kongress GmbH expects approx. 130 exhibitors and 5000 trade visitors at the Neue Messe Karlsruhe. The focus of the

abas Trade for retail companies - ERP trade solution optimizes business processe …

Business success in trading above all relies on timing, the right price and excellent quality. Everything has to be just right in retailing - the product, quality, price, time and place. Precisely interlocked logistics without losses due to friction is a significant requirement to ensure sales. Retail promotion, blanket orders, quick delivery or additional services can maintain the trust gained from the customer and can help to maintain a long

Car supply vendor KAMEI opts for eBusiness

Worldwide operating companies which also opt for modern technologies can no longer exist without eBusiness. The North-Saxon company KAMEI enforces its sales and distribution, as well as its marketing, by means of a Webshop. The switch to a new ERP software is to take place in a second step - the decision was made for the ERP and eBusiness solution provided by the ABAS Software AG, a software provider

IT provider at eye level - ABAS: ERP and eBusiness software from a medium-sized …

Medium-sized businesses are the supporting pillars of the economy, their requirements on a business software are not only based on the pure functional range. "Soft issues" such as trust, personal contact, mutual understanding, cooperation in partnership and straightforward, pragmatic solutions play in fact an important role. The software provider ABAS from Karlsruhe, whose core competence is the development of business ERP and eBusiness Software, is a medium-sized business and with

abas ERP for the print industry: Druckhaus Rahning decides on ERP solution by AB …

ABAS Systemhaus GmbH in Reinbek was able to gain a new customer in Druckhaus Rahning GmbH & Co. KG. The company with 250 employees will be using the abas Business Software (ERP, PPC, MRP, eBusiness) under Linux. The family business Druckhaus Rahning GmbH & Co. KG, located in the cigar manufacturing city Bünde, was founded 120 years ago. At that time Rahning specialized in imprinting cigar wrappers, producing

Major interest in customized eBusiness solution for medium-sized businesses

The following is nowadays applicable: “No eBusiness = no success” Major interest in customized eBusiness solution for medium-sized businesses Karlsruhe, 23.02.2006 – No businessman buys a software package for the end in itself! Moreover, it is necessary to execute business processes easier, faster, and thus, more cost-effective, in order to secure a competitive advantage. eBusiness and IT automate, accelerate and integrate business processes. The worldwide flow of goods, capital and

abas Business Software with new Service Center

New function supports proximity to customers and service quality Karlsruhe, 21.02.2006 – abas eB provides highly flexible Internet solutions to medium-sized companies: On the basis of ready-made Web Applications, such as e.g. Webshop or Service Center, businesses can construct their solution as they desire and incorporate their own ideas. In order to realize the application logic, the complete abas ERP system with database, the complete function range and its efficient interfaces

LIFEBRIDGE® medical-engineering company opts for abas ERP

With LIFEBRIDGE® Medizintechnik AG the abas sales partner Koldt GmbH was able to gain a new customer for the flexible abas Business Software, a software solution for medium-sized businesses. LIFEBRIDGE® Medizintechnik AG is an innovative, medical-engineering company and engages in the task of developing, producing and marketing life-saving support systems which apply state-of-the-art technologies to extracorporeal circulation. The “heart“ for this taks is the LIFEBRIDGE B_2 T®

ABAS gains new customers in China

ABAS Business Solutions (PRC) has been carrying out the sales and distribution of abas Business Software, an ERP and eBusiness Solution for medium-sized businesses, in China since 2003. As the system uses the Unicode character set, it is possible to also depict Chinese fonts (traditional and simplified). The sales and implementation partner of the ABAS Software AG from Karlsruhe is located in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen. 5

BBS agrees on ABAS for their ERP solution

Whoever does not use the package to its utmost capacity is always a step behind. The competitive pressure is immense and the high level of organization in racing exists in hardly any other business sector. The BBS Kraftfahrzeugtechnik AG plays an important role in four Formula 1 teams. In order to maintain the standard of quality already reached and to further expand the BBS will implement the highly flexible and

ABAS presents ERP and eBusiness highlights on CeBIT 2006

Karlsruhe, January 23, 2006 - In hall 5, stand A 18, ABAS, together with its sales partners, will present news concerning abas Business Software (ERP, PPC, MRP, eBusiness), a software solution for medium-sized businesses. The integration of RFID systems into abas ERP, as well as a portal solution, will be presented amongst others. Further central topics are the new Service Center, the data exchange between several production locations (MultiSite), the

Walzengießerei Coswig improves hitting deadlines and increases cost transparenc …

Karlsruhe, January 10, 2006 - With the implementation of the inter-company ERP solution of the ABAS AG, Walzengießerei Coswig replaced a number of isolated applications and was, therefore, able to considerably increase the transparency via the internal production cycle. The leadtimes were reduced and the agreed delivery dates could be specified more accurately. Preliminary and final costing were also optimized. Walzengießerei Coswig GmbH (roller foundry) is making an impact as a

ABAS is the thousandth member of the BVBC e.V in Baden-Wuerttemberg

Karlsruhe, January 10, 2006 – Since January 2006 ABAS has been a member of the German Association of Accountants and Controllers incorporated society, National Association Baden-Wuerttemberg – and on top of this they are the thousandth company member! The German Association of Accountants and Controllers incorporated society was established in 1976 with the aim of representing the economic and the career interests of accountants. In 1994 the association for the professional

“ABAS qualified on all counts”

IST Metz GmbH in Nürtingen is one of the first customers of ABAS AG. Dr. Werner Dax, head of IT, is responsible for the IT environment and the ERP system at the manufacturer of UV systems. We spoke to Dr. Dax about his experience with abas Business Software and the cooperation with ABAS. When did you start using ABAS? We have been using ABAS since 1988. The management came to the conclusion

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