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Press Releases from PMR Publications (43 total)

Russian retail market recovered after the economic slowdown

Retail markets in all Russian Federal Districts increased in 2010 by total $80bn In 2010, Russian retail market recovered after the economic slowdown observed in the previous year and increased by 12.6% to RUB 16.4tr ($541bn). However, the latest PMR report „Retail in Russia 2011 – Regional focus. Market analysis and development forecasts for 2011-2013” shows that particular regional retail markets still reveal differences in their development due to their unique

Construction output in Poland up by 10% in 2011

The forthcoming year 2011 can be a breakthrough year for the construction industry in terms of construction output. Provided that the winter weather conditions are relatively favourable, the 2011 average annual growth rate can be up to 10%, driven by large civil engineering projects and major improvement in the building construction sector. According to a report prepared by research company PMR, which is entitled "Construction sector in Poland, H2 2010 -

Russian construction industry recovers after the downturn

For the first time this decade, in 2009 the construction industry in Russia, which was severely affected by the global economic downturn, shrank in comparison with the preceding year. In the current year, a recovery has begun, prompted by the numerous projects supported or directly funded by the government. In the next few months, growth in the construction industry will be driven by the civil engineering and residential construction subdivisions

Retail market in Russia to grow by almost 10% in 2010

The growth rate of the Russian retail sector dropped severely last year due to worsening economic conditions, weakening purchasing power growth and the depreciating rouble. As a result, the retail market's value increased by only 5% in 2009 after several years of roughly 25% annual growth. Nevertheless, the situation has improved this year, and the retail market is expected to once again reach double-digit growth rates in subsequent years. According to

Polish Private Label Market Grows In Crisis

The value of the Polish private label market jumped by 29% in 2009, according to estimates presented in “Private label in Poland 2010”, a new report from PMR. The high rate of market growth was a consequence of buoyant sales at hypermarkets and discount stores, which surged by 34% and 31%, respectively. The robust growth in the value of the Polish private label market in 2009 was no doubt helped

Imaging diagnostics market in Central Europe to grow by 14% between 2010 and 201 …

According to the latest PMR report, “Imaging diagnostics market in Central Europe 2010”, the overall imaging diagnostics market grew by 8% in 2009 and was worth €457m . It is expected that the CAGR of the overall imaging diagnostics market in Central Europe will be 14% between 2009 and 2012. Concerted effort during the crisis led to growth in 2009 Company interviews carried out by PMR specifically for the purposes of

Polish imaging diagnostics market will be worth more than PLN 1bn in 2012

In 2009 the Polish imaging diagnostics market was worth almost PLN 674m (€156m), according to the latest report by PMR, a research and consulting company, entitled “Imaging diagnostics market in Poland 2010. Development forecasts for 2010-2012”. Between 2010 and 2012, sales on this market will increase, on average, by 16% per annum. The main driving forces behind the market growth will include increases in capital expenditure in the private sector,

Increase in the Polish construction industry economic climate

Driven by a steadily rising number of investment projects underway and planned, construction companies express slightly more favourable assessments of the economic situation of the market when compared to the findings of a study conducted six months ago. Construction activity is still hampered by numerous market barriers, but more and more companies are capable of identifying factors which have a positive bearing on the market. The results of a survey of

Telecommunications market in Russia 2010

The Russian telecoms market increased by 4% year-on-year in 2009. However, this is growth as measured in the local currency. Due to the strong weakening of the Russian ruble in the crisis period, in euro terms the market experienced a double digit decline. Among the specific characteristics of the Russian telecoms market have always been the significant regional differences in the development of the services and the gap between urban

IT market in Poland

IT providers in Poland are starting the post-crisis period in actually quite good moods and are already beginning to predict what solutions will be most sought after by their customers during prosperity. However last year hardware distributors recorded significant reduction in the number of orders placed, especially by business customers, software and IT services providers performed far better. A majority of them had similar sales as in previous periods, while some

Clothing, footwear and accessories market in Russia increases its value by 5% in …

Despite economic turbulences, the value of the clothing and footwear market in Russia increased after a stagnant 2008, positively influenced by the clothing sector. Nevertheless, the forecasts for the current year are less optimistic and the market is expected to struggle, while a more optimistic scenario is not expected before 2011. The value of the clothing, footwear and accessories (CFA) market in Russia increased by 5% in 2009, to reach

Romanian dietary supplements market expected to return to growth path between 20 …

The dietary supplements market in Romania, which developed in previous years by more than 20% year on year, slowed in 2009 to a growth rate of 1%, according to PMR estimates. However, because of positive growth factors, such as changing lifestyles, an expected improvement in the economic situation, a low level of market saturation, an increase of 10% for 2010 is forecast, to a value in excess of €100m, taking

Modernisation of the power sector in Poland – tough challenges for investors

Due to long-standing underinvestment, the Polish power sector is facing a genuine need of finding up to €50bn on investments in new power-production capacity and transmission systems in the coming years. However, only part of the projects initially announced by investors will be actually implemented. Thus, the amount of around €25bn earmarked for capital investments in the power sector in 2010-2020 seems to be a more realistic figure. As stated in

Polish laboratory diagnostics market expected to be worth PLN 1.4bn in 2012

A range of factors will stimulate the growth of the in vitro (laboratory) diagnostics market in Poland in the next few years. These will include the transformation of healthcare units into companies bound by commercial law, a more extensive choice of health insurance products available in the country, European funds and the need to comply with EU requirements, which should be assured by healthcare facilities in the very near future.

The Polish pharmaceutical market. Its condition and growth prospects until 2011 …

The Polish pharmaceutical market has grown dynamically in the past five years, showing great resilience to the impact of adverse trends prevailing in the market. As demonstrated by the results of the most recent study conducted by the advisory company KPMG and the research company PMR in June 2009, the current economic situation linked to the global economic crisis has not affected the good performance of the pharmaceutical industry; either,

Global crisis changes face of the Russian retail industry

Russia’s exposure to the global financial crisis had become unquestionable by the end of 2008. After years of dynamic development, a result of the country’s stable economic growth, rising incomes and expansion of modern retail channels, the Russian economy started slowing down to encounter severe after-effects of the economic downturn in 2009. After several years of booming consumption, the Russian retail sector has been exposed to one of its hardest

Generics will continue their domination on the pharmaceutical market in Central …

The pharmaceutical market in Central and Eastern Europe is dominated by generic drugs. This subdivision was worth €17.2bn in 2008 and is expected to develop by around 14% per annum between 2009 and 2011. The growth rate of the innovative drug market, which was worth €12.4bn in 2008, will be slower, according to the latest report from PMR, a research and consulting company, entitled “Generic and innovative drugs market in

Growth in construction output in Poland to reach 8% in 2010

After the dramatic slump in early 2009, the mood prevailing within the construction industry in Poland is starting to gradually turn more upbeat. Construction companies are more optimistic in their assessments of the market situation and the condition of their enterprises than they were six months ago. Driven by the rising implementation of civil engineering projects, construction and assembly output will see a rise of not less than 5% in

Light at the end of tunnel for the Russian construction industry

The construction industry in Russia has been hit hard by the global economic downturn. The slowdown on the domestic construction market began in 2008 and has intensified in 2009. The majority of construction projects have been suspended and virtually no new residential or commercial property projects have been started. For the first time this decade, the value of construction works will have shrunk – by over 15% in comparison with

Road construction is turning the corner

The implementation of the road construction scheme in Poland is entering the final phase. The number of calls for tenders announced and those where winners have already been selected is growing; commencing from 2010, the length of road sections under construction will be expanding significantly. However, rising competition among contractors and falling offer prices give rise to a threat to the timely completion of projects and their quality. After a few

Budownictwo drogowe wychodzi na prostą

Realizacja programu budowy dróg w Polsce wkracza w decydującą fazę. Rośnie liczba ogłaszanych i rozstrzyganych przetargów, a od 2010 r. wyraźnie zwiększy się łączna długość dróg w budowie. Jednak zaostrzająca się konkurencja wśród wykonawców i spadek cen ofertowych rodzą poważne zagrożenia dla terminowej realizacji projektów oraz ich jakości. Po kilkuletnim okresie zawiedzionych oczekiwań, w 2009 r. firmy budowlane wreszcie odczuły przyspieszenie realizacji programu budowy dróg krajowych i autostrad. Firma badawcza PMR

Rynek produktów OTC w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej odporny na recesję

W 2008 r. rynek produktów OTC w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej wzrósł o około 26%, osiągając wartość 9,2 mld euro. Jak wynika z najnowszego raportu firmy badawczej PMR pod tytułem „OTC market in Central and Eastern Europe 2009. Comparative analysis and development forecasts for 2009-2011”, w 2009 r. rynek ten rozwijał się będzie w tempie około 8%. 8% wzrost rynku w 2009 r. W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat gospodarki krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (Rosji,

OTC market in Central and Eastern Europe will grow in 2009 despite the global fi …

In 2008 the OTC product market in Central and Eastern Europe developed by around 26%, to €9.2bn. In 2009 this market in the region will grow by around 8%, according to a recently released report “OTC market in Central and Eastern Europe 2009. Comparative analysis and development forecasts for 2009-2011” from PMR, a research and consulting company. 8% OTC market growth in 2009 In the last few years the economies of

Sektor biotechnologii w farmacji: boom spodziewany dopiero w 2011 roku

Obecnie sektor biotechnologii znajdującej zastosowanie w farmacji i medycynie (tzw. „czerwonej biotechnologii”) rozwija się w Polsce w umiarkowanym tempie, wynika z najnowszego raportu firmy badawczej PMR „Innowacje biotechnologiczne w przemyśle farmaceutycznym w Polsce 2009”. W 2008 r. przychody tego sektora spadły nawet w porównaniu do poprzedniego roku, co było spowodowane gorszymi wynikami Biotonu, największej polskiej firmy biotechnologicznej. Warto jednak zaznaczyć, że firmy biotechnologiczne pracują obecnie intensywnie nad nowymi produktami, których

Pharmaceutical biotechnology in Poland: industry expected to boom in 2011

Today the market for biotechnology which can be used in pharmaceuticals and medicine (“red biotechnology”) is growing at a moderate pace in Poland. Indeed, in 2008 the sales of industry players even declined, as Bioton, the largest Polish biotech firm, performed poorly. Biotechnological firms are working hard on new products, the sales of which will have a substantial impact on the rate of growth of the industry over the next

Challenging times for clothing and footwear retailers in Poland

2009 has been a very difficult year for clothing and footwear retailers. With falling sales and rising operational costs, most companies are facing financial difficulties. As a result, many are launching restructuring programmes while actively looking for an investor which could help them to survive. According to estimates included in PMR’s latest report, “Clothing and footwear retail market in Poland 2009. Market analysis and development forecast for 2009–2011,” the value

Handel detaliczny odzieżą i obuwiem w Polsce 2009

Spadająca sprzedaż i rosnące koszty powodują, że rok 2009 to trudny okres dla detalistów odzieżowych i obuwniczych. Równocześnie to czas weryfikacji strategii oraz szansa na okazyjne przejęcia gorzej radzących sobie graczy rynkowych. Przewidywania na 2010 rok są już bardziej optymistyczne. Według szacunków zawartych w najnowszym raporcie firmy PMR pt. „Handel detaliczny odzieżą i obuwiem w Polsce 2009. Analiza rynku i prognozy rozwoju na lata 2009-2011” wartość detalicznej sprzedaży odzieży i

VoIP in Poland

At the end of 2008 the Polish VoIP telephony market was worth PLN 440m, with CaTV operators having generated the largest share of revenue in the segment. In recent years also fixed-line operators have included VoIP services into their offer. According to research and consulting company PMR Polish VoIP market continues to represent a small share of the fixed-line telecommunications market. In 2008 it accounted for approximately five percent of the

Rynek farmaceutyczny w Polsce wciaz na plusie

W 2008 r. rynek apteczny w Polsce osiągnął wartość 24,1 mld zł, co oznacza wzrost o 11,5% w stosunku do roku 2007. W chwili obecnej należy on do sektorów polskiej gospodarki o najbardziej optymistycznych prognozach rozwoju na najbliższe dwa lata. W latach 2009-2011 średnioroczna stopa wzrostu dla sektora (CAGR) wyniesie 7,4%. Rok 2008 jednym z najlepszych w dekadzie W 2008 r. rynek apteczny w Polsce w cenach detalicznych przekroczył wartość 24 mld

Private healthcare market in Poland

In 2008 the value of the private healthcare market in Poland amounted to PLN 26bn (€7.4bn), having risen by 13% on the 2007 figure. Due to the absence of the required legal changes and the economic crisis, the market will grow at a slower pace in the coming years, rising by 7-11% year on year, as disclosed in the latest PMR report entitled “Private healthcare market in Poland 2009. Development

Retail market of cosmetics and drugstore items in Poland 2009

Drugstore chains have rapidly gained a PLN 20bn share of the cosmetics and drugstore products market in Poland. In spite of the economic crisis they plan to open even more stores in 2009 than they did in previous years. According to PMR estimates, which are included in latest report “Retail market of cosmetics and drugstore items in Poland 2009. Market analysis and development forecasts for 2009-2011”, Poland’s cosmetics and drugstore

Rynek prywatnej opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce 2009

W 2008 r. rynek prywatnej opieki medycznej w Polsce osiągnął wartość 26 mld zł, wzrastając o 13% w porównaniu do 2007 r. W kolejnych latach, wobec braku odpowiednich zmian prawnych oraz kryzysu ekonomicznego dynamika rynku będzie niższa, i wyniesie około 7-11%, wynika z najnowszego raportu PMR pt. „Rynek prywatnej opieki w Polsce 2009. Prognozy rozwoju 2009-2011”. Lata 2007-2008 najlepsze dla rozwoju prywatnej opieki zdrowotnej Według szacunków PMR, w 2008 r. Polacy przeznaczyli

Construction sector in Poland

Construction companies have not been more critical in their assessment of the construction market situation in the past five years or so. Faced with a reduced number of orders, builders announce that they will seek to win new contracts mainly by offering lower prices, which may lead to a deflation in construction. The most attractive construction segments in the years to come will include road construction, sports facilities construction and

Rynek dystrybucji artykulow drogeryjno-kosmetycznych w Polsce

Sieci drogerii szybko zdobywają udział w wartym 20 mld zł rynku drogeryjno-kosmetycznym w Polsce. Mimo kryzysu w tym roku planują otworzyć jeszcze więcej sklepów niż w poprzednich latach, wynika z najnowszego raportu firmy PMR. Według szacunków zawartych w najnowszym raporcie firmy PMR pt. „Rynek dystrybucji artykułów drogeryjno-kosmetycznych w Polsce. Analiza rynku i prognozy rozwoju na lata 2009-2011”, wartość rynku artykułów drogeryjno-kosmetycznych wyniosła 20 mld zł w 2008 roku, co oznaczało wzrost

Rynek budowlany w Polsce

Firmy budowlane w ocenie koniunktury na rynku budowlanym są najbardziej krytyczne od ponad pięciu lat. W obliczu mniejszej ilości zamówień, budowlańcy zapowiadają pozyskiwanie nowych kontraktów głównie poprzez konkurencję cenową, czego skutkiem może być deflacja w budownictwie. Najbardziej atrakcyjnymi segmentami w najbliższych latach będą budownictwo drogowe, sportowe oraz energetyczne. Silny spadek optymizmu w sektorze budowlanym Badanie przeprowadzone przez firmę badawczą PMR na potrzeby raportu „Sektor budowlany w Polsce I połowa 2009 – Prognozy

Construction sector in Romania 2009

Construction was the most important factor of the strong economic growth of Romania over the past several years, which topped 7.1% in 2008. However, the problems on the international financial markets affected the construction industry, which was heavily dependent on banking credit. Non-residential construction, which accounts for half of the construction output, will be strongly hit, while residential will decrease only slightly in 2009 and civil engineering, which depends on

Rewizja prognoz dla rynku IT w Polsce, Rosji i na Ukrainie

Kryzys gospodarczy, mimo iż w mniejszym stopniu, dotyka również branży IT. Wyraźne pogorszenie danych makroekonomicznych dla regionu środkowoeuropejskiego, spowodowało konieczność rewizji prognoz dla rynku informatycznego. O wzrosty w roku 2009 będzie bardzo trudno. Chociaż globalny kryzys gospodarczy branża informatyczna odczuwa relatywnie słabiej niż wiele innych sektorów gospodarki, spowolnienie gospodarcze będzie mieć swoje odzwierciedlenie również w wynikach firm IT. W ciągu najbliższych dwóch latach rynki IT we wszystkich krajach środkowoeuropejskich czeka

IT market in Russia 2009

Though to a limited extent, the strain of the economic crisis is felt by the IT industry as well. After the release of considerably poorer macroeconomic data for the Central European region, a need arose to revise forecasts for the IT market. Most IT companies will find it extremely hard to expand in 2009. Despite the fact that the IT industry is relatively less affected by the economic crisis compared to

Construction market in Bulgaria 2009

The economic slowdown, a less substantial inflow of foreign capital, limitations on mortgage lending and a weaker economic climate among construction companies will cause the construction market in Bulgaria to start to decelerate in 2009. Civil engineering, which will continue to grow slightly in 2009, will not fully redress the decline in residential and non-residential construction. After impressive growth between 2005 and 2007, in H2 2008 the construction market in Bulgaria

2009: Turkish retail still unconquered by foreign chains

Turkey is gradually opening for foreign investment, also in the field of retail. Foreign retailers’ entrance into Turkish retail market is ongoing, despite the fact that the country’s economic history is turbulent, traditional retail is still very strong and it was domestic retailers who triggered a turn info modern retail and nowadays keep their predominance in the market. Foreign retailers are getting more and more experienced and penetrate the country

The Romanian pharmaceutical market is experiencing saturation

After the impressive increase of approximately 30% per year between 2004 and 2006 the growth rate of the Romanian pharmaceutical market declined to 11% in Leu in 2007, and the estimated growth figure for 2008 is around 8% year on year. Between 2008 and 2010 the Romanian market will grow by approximately 9.5% year on year to almost €2.4bn in 2010, according to PMR’s just-released report “Pharmaceutical market in Romania

PMR report: Shopping centre development heating up in Romania and Bulgaria. Pola …

Whereas in 2008 shopping centres worth almost €3bn are expected to open in Central Europe, 2009 is to see the launch of projects worth twice this amount, a record €6bn. Romania and Poland will receive the greatest amount of attention from developers. Bulgaria and Slovakia, because of their small existing shopping centre bases, will observe skyrocketing growth in new shopping centre space. Central Europe is experiencing a boom on the

Russian construction industry afflicted by the global economy crisis

In the second half of 2007 and the emergence of the global credit crisis, property developers began to encounter problems in finding financing for their projects. Banks became more stringent and selective in lending to both corporations and individuals. In Russia, the impact has been less significant than in other CIS countries and this is reflected by the healthy growth figures in the value of construction works completed in 2007

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